Porn shoot request

Did you up your rates to 4x for this stay?

I’m halfway expecting an ABNB themed plot with a walk-on by @RiverRock as the AirBNB host

  • Let me show you around
  • Here are my rules
  • Please let me know if there’s anything else you might need …

Bom Chicka Wah Wah


Actually, yes I do:)



I would say No, I’m sure there’s website you can go through to arrange rental shots as one would do with filming anything. I am a co-host for a luxury villa, We received an inquiry to film a movie in the villa. This was the first time, so myself and the host were a little naive to say the least. They were doing a budget film and spoke highly of themselves as professionals in the film industry-not XXX. Well, I ended up having to close the villa for a week after to repair all the damages from marks on the wall to stains on the floor. Nothing was protected during the shooting. I learned a lot and will not accept inquires for films again. This goes thru a completely different website, these film makers were trying to go the inexpensive route and rent per night on Airbnb.

Good for you… I don’t care what you would or would not do. You have been here a few hours and I am already tired of your “expertise”



I make really good money with this crew, and I get free porn. Win Win.