Porn shoot request

Do you realize that science can never prove anything, it can only disprove a hypothesis … that scientific and medical knowledge is ALWAYS growing and changing?

See this link for what I mean:

Psychology Today: Common misconceptions about science I: “Scientific proof”

… all scientific knowledge is tentative and provisional , and nothing is final. There is no such thing as final proven knowledge in science. The currently accepted theory of a phenomenon is simply the best explanation for it among all available alternatives . Its status as the accepted theory is contingent on what other theories are available and might suddenly change tomorrow if there appears a better theory or new evidence that might challenge the accepted theory. No knowledge or theory (which embodies scientific knowledge) is final. That, by the way, is why science is so much fun.

So, you can’t ever say of science that it is on point and not behind, because it can ALWAYS be off point (and in fact, faddish … see Karl Popper) and way behind … it doesn’t have proofs like mathematics or logic.

Are you disputing that, according to our best understanding:

  • HIV can live for days and weeks in dried blood (on a surface) and needles?
  • And that HIV can enter the body through mucous membranes and wounds?

And confounding every other problem with science and medical knowledge is the rampant fraud in medical journals.

The editor of the Lancet wrote:

The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.
Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.

I never once said that science isn’t all those things you say. I’m somewhat glad that you have a relatively okay understanding of the principles of science.
However, I was answering in context to your crazy talk about HIV and the science regarding infectious disease is pretty much on point and we are not “behind” as you put it regardless of your understandings. Modern medicine has a VERY good understanding on infectious diseases and science has a firm grib on vira and bacterias too despite new medical and scientific findings (that happen all the time)

As too HIV you’re correct about it needing to enter the body through orifices or wounds through blood or sperm but the probability that you get HIV from a dried blood-stain from a surface is near to none. It’s almost complete unlikely. A hundred percent? No. Nothing is a 100 percent.

If you take a needle with HIV infected blood and stick your self, yes then the probability of contracting an infectious disease is very much higher.

You need to be able to distinguish between established facts and science and that which you link talks about.



Frontiers in Public Health: The infectious disease challenges of our time

Infectious diseases form one of the greatest global challenges in medicine in our time. Ever since the famous, wrong prediction of the Surgeon General of the United States, William H. Stewart, in 1969: “We can close the books on infectious diseases,” infectious diseases have been on the rise. A large number of new infectious diseases emerged: major threats to the world like AIDS and SARS, but also less threatening infections, like those caused by Campylobacter spp, Borrelia spp, Bartonella henselae , Clostridium difficile , Hanta viruses. These have led to major changes in clinical practice, microbiology services, public health activities, and biomedical research.

Not to mention Ebola, drug resistance, vectors being multiplied by air travel, food-borne infections, etc.

This is getting ridiculous



You cherry pick your facts and you’re hereby disqualified for any further intelligent discussion.

I work with the very complex microbial challenges and by all means there are plenty to learn still. New threats arise constantly and infectious diseases can become highly dangerous for our safety and in some parts of the world its still a very big problem and is both complex and dangerous. BUT but but we do today have a much greater understanding of those challenges. Modern day science adresses these issues and we do in fact have a scientific based approach to these challenges so I don’t subscribe to your characterization of science.

Point is, cherry picking facts doesn’t prove anything besides ignorance. The medical community including the scientific community is well aware of the main challenges and they are being addressed although many not resolved in an instant. I don’t know anyone would think otherwise apart from those who think research is googling stuff and not vaccinating their children.
PS: I think you forgot about the zika virus :slight_smile:


…i know and for this reason I’m out :slight_smile:


I cannot take one more ignorant statement like that I am closing the thread.



I would demand free Airbnb advertising in the gay film’s opening and ending credits: “Filmed on location at River Rock Retreat Airbnb.”

I am also curious, what is the gay film’s title?:

  • Anal Airbnb
  • Three Men and an Airbnb
  • All-inclusive Airbnb
  • Brokeback Airbnb

Uhm, no.

I know what it is going to be called, but I am not going to say in a public forum. I do not want them googling the title and finding this, I want them to come back they were great guests.

Although I did google the company and I am very curious to see the film, 2 of 3 clips I saw involved dining room tables… Maybe I do not want to know?




Are commercial rates different? I have a lil situation where I think a dude is filming or photographing but explained the booking as a birthday weekend getaway.

Yes, I charged 3X my nightly rate. I think I left money on the table if it happens again I will ask 4X rate.



My response: “Fuck no!”

We have an unofficial “no locals” policy. There’s a pretty active prostitute community (hooker economy?) where we live and we get a few “How much per hour?” inquires. We also got an inquiry from someone who supposedly wanted to shack up with his “wife,” and wanted to check-in midday for an afternoon delight - our check-in time is 5 pm to 10 pm, and we’re firm about that (no pun intended).

They were great guests and left the place in better shape than the two guests before, plus I charged 3X my regular rate. Not sure why anyone would not want to host them… 5* review from me.



It’s my home. Plus, hate to sound like cleanliness snob, but who knows what the ladies of the night (and their Johns) might be bringing indoors with them. Porn shoot or not, there’s bound to be shooting of something in my house I’d rather not clean up. Plus, I don’t keep Narc-an laying around. Is that recommended by Airbnb, now?

BTW, cute name. Google “Rock River Vermont”

Lol, no women seen on the security cameras:)

Hopefully, otherwise pretty boring porn



Update, there baaaaack…

I love these guys! The money is great, last time they left the place in great shape and I am getting dvd’s once they go into production. It takes forever I guess its online first.