Poopy washcloths

This thread sort of shows why I wouldn’t want any colour washcloths other than white. If I was a guest and saw black or dark coloured washcloths how would I know that they were properly cleaned and that they don’t have :poop: stains?


I was just going to post the same comment. I also wouldn’t trust dark-colored towels.

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I agree with the exception of the black washcloths labeled MakeUp
If they get poop stains then idk what to say!


Oh my goodness! Of course there are going to be stains, but you can not see them and neither can your guest! And you as a good host are going to was h them really well and they will not contaminate your guests. Those hosts who really worry can sniff them first.I will not be one of those hosts Hot water fixes most things. Lol.

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S**t washes off, but that does not mean I am keeping washcloths that were used as TP!


Well neither would I . Let’s try an analogy. You have a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of white jeans . You break a blue pen and stain them both. You wash them both. The white jeans are as clean as the blue jeans but have a big ink stain right in the front. The blue jeans hide the stain. You would most likely wear the blue jeans still but not wear the white jeans. While they are clean, they are ugly and unsightly. Maybe you would wear them around the house but probably not to a restaurant with your friends. If we keep throwing out white wash cloths because guests use the white wash cloths to clean their makeup and do not use the black washcloths we have left out for them, should we not just leave black wash cloths out instead.


I am talking about mascara, makeup, oils etc… those can stain a white towel, if I saw an obviously poopy washcloth, I am not going to rescue it.


But people rinse, wash, and bleach cloth diapers all the time. I don’t see the difference if they’re washed with bleach.


I was going to say the same thing, but thought I’d get s**t on for it (pun intended). However, one’s own baby’s poo, or if you use a diaper service that delivers you clean, sterilized diapers every week, is kinda different psychologically, if not realistically, than some stranger’s butt wipe.


Hosts research the cost of wash clothes, sheets, towels etc… and we are thrilled to find a great deal. I do not know if hosting attracts frugal people or if we hosts get more frugal the longer we host, but I for one, am happy to say there is a limit to my frugality. Poopy wash cloths apparently is it. Apparently others agree. If it was my very last wash cloth and it was poopy would I rescue it? Not even then.


Different things gross different people out. Cleaning up other people’s hair seems to be the bane of many hosts’ lives. But since I had 3 daughters, all with long hair at some point, and my hair has usually been long, hair doesn’t trigger my “gross!” button at all. Although it’s never pleasant fishing it out of drains all covered in soap scum.


Here is a little ditty I wrote sung to the tune of “My favorite things “ think Julie Andrews voice coming out of my picture

These Are A Few of My Least Favorite Things

Poopy towels, vomit, and hair left in bath drains,
Rotting food, Pet damage, Greasy Grills, Sheet stains,
Guest leaving microwave full of old food,
These are a few of my LEAST FAVORITE things!

Getting Bad marks
On the platforms,
Leave us feeling sad :frowning_face:
But…I simply remember the coins in my bank
And then I don’t feel
Soooo badddddd!



Challenge you hosts to add some more verses to this ditty!

I did a version of this a few years ago along with some other Sound of Music verses.

last year’s update:

Original thread:


Love it. Could be I saw this . These days I can not always remember. Menopause!

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Yeah, sheets and towels just are what they are. My wife and I have been those people at a hotel so I can’t blame others…

If anyone ever asked me what I thought was good training for being a host who does their own cleaning, I’d have to say being a parent. After changing probably 10,000 diapers, cleaning up kid’s vomit, searching out the rotting leftover school lunches in their messy rooms, washing off the boogers they wiped on the wall next their beds, cleaning all their long hair out of the drains, there’s not a lot that phases me.


But we love our little booger wipers!

One of my two daughters was on her own schedule about potty training, I bought the 12 packs of panties for about $6 and I tossed the gross ones they were the same price as a pullup which has a bigger environmental impact than cotton panties.

Glad we are past that.



Can you let us know how they are, please?

I did not buy the above ones, as I had already sent for the ones from amazon. Decent quality. Washed the full dozen and no significant dye leakage or fading, but 4 of the 12 had some threads that I had to cut. Pretty soft and feel nice. I am keeping 1 separate after 1 washing and will compare it to one that has been washed several times and see what it looks like then. These were also Approx 1 dollar. I will send that link. I do not know if you can see poop on these, though. Just kidding…
Would not give me a link Utopia wash cloths black 12x 12 100% cotton flannel 14.99 per dozen free shipping on prime