Plans in light of vaccine distribution

Why did you go to a restaurant, not once, but twice, where the staff wasn’t following safe precautions?


I agree with @muddy it does seem a risky approach to return to the same restaurant which you know doesn’t practice safe Covid practices.

If the restaurant isn’t complying with your local Covid legislation I would report them.

Hopefully in our area the age for vaccines available openings will be 60+ pretty soon.
I was just thinking, we had a guest coming from Tuscany in late January last year. :bulb: I remember specifically because he was a “villa owner”, a famous musician and he was here when Kobe died. Then I was very sick, lo and behold, respiratory crap, and my hub too…

I went twice over the course of a year. And spoke to the manager twice. The first time they fixed it, the second was not good. I won’t be back.

And I’m f-ing sick and tired of being home alone. ALONE.

And thanks for blaming the victim.

I’m alone, too. Lots of us are. I’m not finding it too hard, though. I’m a homebody anyway and never get bored being alone.
What’s hard is that I haven’t seen my daughters and grandkids for almost 2 years.


That is one of the saddest side effects of this shit show.

I’m lucky, I was in the UK immediately prior to Spain closing the borders and going into lockdown, I got home on the last flight from Edinburgh. That was 14th March last year, which is the last time I seen my daughters, my OH is now way over a year.

I’m not alone. There are several members on here that I know have been separated from family for getting on for a year.

It’s all a bit fucked, eh?



It’s not victim blaming, more astonishment . If I’d been sick with Covid symptoms for three months after eating at a restaurant there is no way I would go back when it still isn’t protecting its staff/customers.


Why would returning to somewhere unsafe, seeing it has not fixed the issues, and still staying there be anything but foolish? You’re not a victim if you insist on putting yourself in harm’s way after knowing the danger.

Sorry, not buying it.


I hear you. I rarely eat out. Finally went out to dinner with friends and I was not pleased with the bold, safety disregard of the staff. When I got there it was difficult to know what to do.

  1. Just leave means hurting the feelings of the people who invited me
  2. Other people seem ok with it so now “group think” kicks in (they are ok, I guess I should be too)
  3. Staying isolated.

People can “why did you…”, “why didn’t you…” It’s so easy to arm-chair quarterback. The whys don’t matter—can’t change it & now sadly you are paying the price.

The bottom line is we are human and sometimes don’t make the best decisions. I know I didn’t. I stayed. I’m lucky to not have caught it.

I’m glad you have survived Covid19. Supposedly once you’ve had it, for most people their antibodies protect them for about 5 months. You should be good until July

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I live alone as well and decided at the beginning of the pandemic that I was going to opt for safety. I had already started making an nice outdoor space summer of 2019 with the purchase of an outdoor kitchen, fire table and fountain. Fall of 2020 I added a TV, curtains and a propane heater. I see people socially an average of once a week and it’s made a world of difference in keeping me sane.

I’m lucky that all of the 10-12 different people I’ve socialized with have been of the same frame of mind I was. No one pressured me to do anything I didn’t feel safe about doing thank goodness. Now about half my friends have been vaccinated and by the summer we all will be.

Just outside my inner circle have been a lot of deaths, mostly family members of people I know. There have been a lot who weren’t officially covid related but I do wonder how much impact the pandemic had on their lives. It’s been sobering and I don’t take anything for granted.


So many mixed messages in our area - news report yesterday only 4% of our county population has been fully vaccinated with 8% having a first dose. Unless the delivery system is ramped up in a major way it will take about 40 weeks at that rate to fully immunize the population. The availablity of the new one shot vaccine would cut the time but delivery systems are still problematic.

OTOH two major summer events announced they plan on returning - a bicounty fair and a major sporting event.

My OH and I are in the last group to be vaccinated so we are not planning to reopen to STR guests until a few weeks or a month after that happens.

Restaurants just reopened at 25% capacity.I had a business meeting in one yesterday - first time in one since March 2020. I felt really uncmfortable and left as soon as possible. Encased my laptop keyboard and screen in plastic wrap, showered as soon as I got home. Will not go again until vaccinated, not worth it.


I felt the same way. I didn’t pick the restaurant because there are other places here that do observe protocols and it’s not my favorite place.

I don’t know if that’s where I got it, but it’s the common denominator from last July’s bout to this year’s bout. So I’m finishing up my 3rd battle - with 3 different types of symptoms each time - with Covid and really sick of feeling punished by the virus gods every time I go out. :cry:

I’m working on getting the vaccine - with my health history it’s ridiculous that I can’t get it.

Same here, several Covid deaths and other sudden deaths that are shocking.

This. I still haven’t met my grandson. I couldn’t go to the christening in September because I was wiped out from last year’s bout with Covid and didn’t want to get on a plane.

I’ve missed his first everythings and there’s no end in sight.

Must be nice on your high horse. Seriously, I’m only making a conjecture that it’s the same place that got me sick the first time. I don’t know where I got it last January, last July, and then this February. I’m basically a monk except for going out about once a month with friends.

Will I go back there since it’s the one common denominator? No. Will I report them to the board of health? Yes.

High horse #2. I’m only assuming that it was that restaurant. I DON’T KNOW WHERE I GOT IT.

Geeze people, stop jumping all over me.

Contact tracing is a joke. Will I go back - no. Will I live my life carefully? Yes.


When you came back to a restaurant that was not observing masking etc the first time you were there, and you observed that it was still unsafe, but did not leave, I think that you lost your credibility to wag fingers at the hosts who commented here.

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I wonder if you’ve been exposed to the variants. I was just reading recently that there are a number of cases of people who had covid but that provided no immunity to the variants.

I don’t understand this at all. If I walk into an establishment that is quite obviously not following protocols, I turn around and walk out.

How is not hurting the feelings of the people who invited you more important than common sense precautions not to expose yourself to a deadly virus?

And if those people are offended that you take your health seriously, and don’t wish to hang out somewhere that is obviously unconcerned about spreading infection, why would you care about hurting their feelings? They evidently didn’t care about their own health or yours.



When every decision you make us perfect let me know.

We are not children. We make mistakes. It is human.

Please find a way to be empathetic vs judgemental.

Of course we all make mistakes. But when we know what the risks are for something, and how to avoid those risks, and go ahead and ignore all that, is that really what you’d classify as a mistake?

To me, that’s deciding that you’re willing to take the risk, for whatever reason.

It’s like the politicians who are caught out going on an international beach holiday when all their constituents have been urged not to travel. Their go-to response is “I’m sorry, I made an error in judgement”.

No they didn’t, they knew exactly what they were doing. They just didn’t expect to be caught, which is all they are sorry about.


@ muddy
Long explanation for lack of empathy. Feel better?

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