Payout problems for Australia

I received an email today from the "case manager’ I’ve been assigned stating that I WILL definitely be paid. Good to have something in writing, but I can’t believe management still hasn’t written to us

That is good news indeed. Have The Guardian and Telegraph published anything yet? It should get syndicated…

Just when you think it can’t get anymore ridiculous! We can’t get any payment or answer to the issue but they send this!!! How about addressing the fact that we are all struggling without the income we have been promised?

We are updating our Payments Terms of Service and Privacy Policy (collectively, " Terms ") to reflect changes to our corporate structure in Australia.

The changes to the Terms will come into effect for all existing users on January 9, 2019 at 1.00 AM UTC. Your continued use of the Airbnb Platform from that day on will be subject to the new Terms.

Both the old and new versions of the Terms can be found at the Payments Terms of Service and Privacy Policy tabs. You should review these Terms in full yourself.

Thank you for being a member of our global community.


The Airbnb team

LOL! I just got a “We’d love your feedback” email from AirBnB on this issue. A little premature of them (to say the least!) because the issue has not yet been resolved. So I gave them both barrels in the only text box available for feedback. However, I tried not to be too hard in my numerical feedback on the poor sod who just had the misfortune to be the one to answer the phone - clearly he was “just following orders”.

AirBnB’s handling of this issue continues to be very poor. As Poppy pointed out, they seem able to tell us all about their new “Privacy Policy” and “Terms of Service”, but not about an issue that is actually affecting the financial viability of their customers.

Not Happy, AirBnB :frowning:

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Well are they even doing this right? Please see my post of a few days ago.

Has anyone been able to make sense of this? Where are the NEW Terms of Service?

Just checked our Commonwealth Bank Account this morning and the token .05 cent deposit from WorldPay is in there.

Hopefully this signals the beginning of resumption of normal payment services.

This is becoming ridiculous. I just received the following from AirBnB …


We’ve recently experienced a delay related to payouts. As a result, you may have gotten an email about an error related to one or more payout methods on file:

  • Bank account ending in Account *****XXXX (AUD),

What do I need to do?

Go to Account settings and then Payout Preferences . Remove any payout methods that have been set to error and try adding them again.

Go to Payout Preferences

Why did this happen?

We looked into this delay and discovered an error on our end. We’re sorry about the inconvenience.

Best regards,

The Airbnb Team

So AirBnB have “looked into this” and discovered “an error on our end” … but they still say I HAVE TO FIX IT BY RE-ENTERING MY DETAILS. While their support people keep TELLING ME THE EXACT OPPOSITE.


I just received the same email Rossh. Maybe I was too optimistic about payouts being restored.

The really frustrating part is … I JUST DON’T KNOW WHAT TO DO!

I have re-entered my details once. Should I do it again? Would that fix things, or just delay things further? AirBnB phone support tells me everything is fine. Their emails tells me otherwise.

How long can AirBnB let this disaster carry on?

As we have received that token deposit in the bank account I’m going to let that process play out over the next few days before revisiting my Payout Method.

I also set up PayPal a few days ago but there has been no acknowledgement of that.

I have just been told this is global and there are hosts in the UK who haven’t been paid for 7 weeks!

Can you quote a source for this info Poppy?

We just received this email from AirBnB

Hopefully things will come good very soon. It’s a bit of a worry however that they can’t seem to compose very important messages properly. I would think that they mean to say:
“experienced an error that triggered a delay” rather than a “delay that triggered an error”.

I can live with that though if the $$$ start flowing.

Yes, I received the same message - fingers crossed!

I haven’t had a chance to look into it. I am a manager and one of my owner’s told me that she had found the information on google and this isn’t the first time it has happened.

I also have received the email below. Hopefully we are out of the woods.


I just read on the Airbnb community forum that someone re put in their bank account details, AGAIN!! for the umpteenth time and were paid.

So I just re-did mine for the 6th time since 2nd November and that nasty red button that has been saying there is a problem with my pay out method that has been on the top of all my reservation messaging pages disappeared!!!

So if you still have that message try re-entering your banking details, fingers crossed I might get paid!

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Thank you for this update Poppy. I also did what you did just now and my ‘nasty red button’ has disappeared as well.

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Still no payment but just received this, looks like I still have to wait longer!:

We have made a small deposit of 3 cents to verify that the bank information is correct.

The deposit will be from ‘WORLDPAY’, and you should receive it within five business days. Once you receive the deposit, please allow Airbnb up to 2 business days to complete the verification. If you do not receive the deposit, please re-add your payment details.

The Airbnb Team