OK people - Chinese guests


I don’t know where you are getting your information (Wikipedia is self populated and shouldn’t be relied on for factual information) or the Daily Fail, but it is certainly not true that most people who own a residential property in the UK have leaseholds.

All houses are freehold and an increasing number of flats. Flat owners by law can group together and buy the freehold of their property from the freeholder…


Is this article incorrect?

Only had a quick scan as on my way to work, but it doesn’t say most residential properties in London are leasehold.

It says most new builds - a fundamental difference. That’s because the vast majority of new builds are flats which ergo are leasehold and some exploitative developers have introduced leaseholds for new build houses, but this is due to be banned soon https://www.theguardian.com/money/2017/jul/25/leaseholds-new-build-houses-england-banned-ground-rent-flats

What you call flats and we call condominiums are mostly not leaseholds in the U.S.

Is this article also incorrect?

In the Riviera this has unfortunately been the case, the shared accommodation rentals have been relatively problem free. Unfortunately the whole house rentals have been a bad experience, ruined handmade rugs, parquet floors with scratches and spills requiring specialist refinishing, stained mattresses even through mattress protectors. Yes all can be remedied but not in time for the next booking.

That’s not quite the case here.
A friend of mine had his jacket stolen, two weekends running, from the same pub. He’s not saying everyone in the pub is a thief, but understandably, he won’t be going back to that pub. He’s ok! There’s plenty of other pubs.

And he’s also been given tips on jacket care

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Drink less than 10 pints and then you’ll realise it hasn’t been nicked but lost in transit? :slight_smile: :rofl:


Ha ha! I was thinking the same sort of thing - there’s probably another pub down the road that has two jackets sitting in lost property :wink:


That’s true for new build flats in London but not nessarily for all of London. At any rate, the Queen owns all the land regardless of lease or freehold across the entire commonwealth. If the government & queen want your land back for a major infrastructure project then its brought back under complusary purchase.

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In the U.S. leaseholds are rare. However, we have eminent domain which is the same as what you are describing as compulsory purchase. It is a controversial program as it is often used not for the public good (highway, hospital, animal shelter, etc.), but as a land grab.

A BF many moons ago owned a nightclub (main reason I was dating him :joy:) so in addition to the free drinks I also accumulated a large collection of very nice jackets drunken ladies inadvertently abandoned in the cloak room (after waiting a few weeks) I just made sure never wore them back to that club. Drunken young ladies can be a bit viscous :wink:


Viscous as in thick, slow moving and and wet? Or vicious as in sharp teeth and attitude?

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Does anyone know if it’s a cultural norm for the Chinese to haggle you to DEATH?

I have never had a Chinese guest ask me for a reduction in price. Also, I have almost always gotten five stars for value from Chinese guests.

The guests who most commonly ask me for a reduction in price are Americans.


Is it too late to post a pic of my dog on the bed? :rofl::rofl::+1:

Not in Hawaii. Lots of leasehold exists still here.

Yep, and in Palm Springs in certain parts you lease land from Native Americans. In Maine, you lease land from paper companies. In every country there is no evergreen response to this.

I’m not going to explain this, but since you find Wikipedia the end all and be all of references, I would suggest you look up what a VPN is and know that it is as ubiquitous here as flipping a light switch. If you can download an app, you can circumvent the firewall. But that is not something you will grasp from citing Western sites about Chinese culture. Again, this is all incredibly insulting and I mind you to stop.

You talk about ovens as if it is some kind of signifier of first world culture. It’s as if I said: “Almost no Americans have rice cookers in their house, it’s like they don’t know what rice is.”

Shanghai, China in an incredibly well planned city, entirely walkable, excellent Metro, with more parks than I’ve ever seen in America. It is almost a completely cashless society. The average person speaks at least 2-3 dialects. There’s WiFi everywhere. At the moment I am on the JP Morgan WiFi inside a Ritz Carlton. We have our own Google, it’s called Baidu.

Meanwhile the U.S. President is actually illiterate.