New cleaning protocol going mandatory!

If you are talking about the original cleaning protocol badge, do you get up on ladders and wash the ceiling and all the walls and take down the drapes between each booking and wash those, too? Because if you signed up for the cleaning protocol badge, that’s what you agreed to do. Just because Airbnb doesn’t have any way of checking if that’s what you’re doing, doesn’t mean it’s okay to say you are doing it and then not.

The new agreement apparently is just the 5 steps, not all that other stuff.

@JohnF Three listings. One is a guest suite with a kitchenette; the other two are complete homes with fully-stocked kitchens.

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Good to know :wink:



@muddy it still seems to require re-washing all dishes and linens, though.

Umm… is it just me or does the whole Airbnb thing not just need a bit of common fecking sense applied.

Read into that what you will…



Ok, laughing here, definitely will get rid of the air fresheners.


Okay, now that we’ve gotten you to replace the microfiber sheets and ditch the air fresheners, what’s next? :wink:


Mountainhost’s openness to improvement and critiques bodes well for continued success as an host.


I know- Mountainhost is a really good sport with a great attitude- a lot of hosts would have stomped off all personally offended at other hosts’ advice.

So I was in my closest Costco, in Puerto Vallarta, a few weeks ago and there was a company rep trying to get people to buy his sheets. I stopped and asked him if they were cotton and he said yes. I looked at the tag, which said 100% microfiber, which I pointed out to him, whereupon he told me that “Microfiber is a type of cotton”. Told him he either had no idea what he was selling or he was lying to shoppers and walked away.

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They probably pay the demonstrators even less in MX than they do here.

They probably don’t pay them at all. Guy probably only gets some paltry commission on what he’s able to sell.

No curtains, no rugs, no decor for your safety!”
I wouldn’t word it as for your safety. I would word it as due to current regulations.
The Dettol 3 in 1 disinfectant spray in a can says it kills viruses, and it’s designed for soft furnishings. It has good fragrances. I wonder if curtains could be sprayed with that, especially where they are touched to pull them. Hospitals don’t wash curtains between patients so I don’t understand the logic, but so much is so with the covid concern.
You can also get rods which attach to the hooks on the rails so curtains don’t have to be touched. This keeps curtains in better condition anyway.

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The new guidelines say “wash dishes” and “wash fabrics on highest temperature appropriate”. I take “wash dishes” to mean, make sure all the dishes are clean, not re-wash everything in the cabinet. Same with linens - I will wash them on the highest temperature that won’t ruin them, but it doesn’t mean I have to take down the curtains every stay.

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Just got a notice when I tried to open up my hosting dashboard. Typically Airbnb heavy handed tactics - agree to this or we’ll cut you off. So much for improving host relations!

“Thanks for doing this thing we aggressively told you that you had to do or we’d cancel your livelihood. Here at Airbnb we’re all about inclusion, except when it comes to hosts who don’t follow our arbitrary and ever-changing rules.”


I read it the same way.

Woke up this morning still laughing at the drubbing I got on the air fresheners and read this and laughed some more.


Ok, common sense being applied here.

The new cleaning protocol documents many things folks should be doing anyway, like ventilating for a few hours and then wearing PPE when entering a property post stay.

Nowhere in the guide does it say you must wash curtains or upholstery covers, the term used is:

• Upholstery covers (if necessary)
• Curtains (if necessary)

As regards other soft furnishings/textiles:

Clean all soft surfaces based on the manufacturer’s instructions

Well, if it needed cleaned, that’s what we’d do anyway, duh…

As regards dishes etc in the kitchen, reduce what’s there to a manageable amount, but still enough for the number of guests and just fire them through the dishwasher. It’s a pain, and this is probably the only thing in the whole guide that will add significant time to a changeover for many hosts, especially if they are doing it by hand.

If you already clean to a high standard then you’re doing almost everything in the check list already.

Sanitisation doesn’t take long as we’re now using disinfectant cleaning products, we’ve also got 70-90% alcohol disinfectant sprays, all the supermarkets sell them here and they’re a couple of euros a time. I use these to do all the high touch surfaces last of all, rather than room by room when cleaning.

It is typical of Airbnb to force agreement from hosts, and I can bet a glass of the finest Oloroso to a soggy chip (French fry) that a good number of hosts will agree to it, and then just carry on as before.

This is essentially a pre IPO PR stunt, nothing more, nothing less. The enhanced cleaning protocol has been about for a while and if hosts wanted to opt in, they’d have done it already.

I liked the last section.

Cleaning is a process, and we’re in it together

If that was the case Master Chesky, then you’d be round my gaff cleaning toilets like any other host.



Speaking of microfiber, the original cleaning protocol recommended microfiber cleaning cloths! Go get them Muddy!

Which are excellent. I use magic eraser and plain water or a little vinegar and then polish stuff off. That’s the last step after I’ve done the sanitize step. To sanitize you have to leave surfaces to air dry which leaves them smeared and dirty looking.

The problem with microfiber sheets is that they are uncomfortably hot and they get pulls easily compared to cotton. If they would just label them “polyester” instead of “microfiber” people wouldn’t be so easily confused.

I am going to let it slide. My accommodation is shared. I have a good balance of non Airbnb long termers now.