As I mentioned above I decided to block off the days the guy wanted with flexible check in. I didn’t hear back from him, he didn’t even bother with the courtesy of a reply. Meanwhile I got four other bookings for other days this month. 3 of 4 have pets and are paying pet fees and now I have a cleaning fee and overall my price average for this month is 25% higher than pre-pandemic. I’d rather have fewer guests and same income.
Definitely. One lady wanted to stay for a month “convalescing”.
Triple Likity
I thought I was the only one who did the Foot tap tap tappity tap Nope Nope Nopity Nope
The number of ‘special requests’ we’ve had this year has been astonishing! I love to cater to guests needs but they’re definitely taking advantage. Im scared to say no and receive a bad review.
I’ll add this to the library of needier inquiries, and fortunately not a guest.
- Shade by a pool? Said no one ever (until this inquiry)
- I’m not sure if he was looking for a discount to offset paying for a 3 day stay, when staying for 2 days , OR if he was actually looking to stay for 3 days and needed a discount to meet his budget.
Discount requests are my red flag Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
needs but they’re definitely taking advantage
Definitely getting the early arrival requests but I get the feeling that guests are really trying hard to get more bang for their buck. Recent guest took at least 3 rolls of toilet paper. Puzzling. Short visit so no way they used it all.
took at least 3 rolls of toilet paper. Puzzling. Short visit so no way they used it all.
Unless you found the cardboard roller in the trash they took it. It’s annoying and I only leave one roll, no extra. I can do that because I live right here and if they want more I can give it to them. I used to leave extra until the pandemic hit. Now I have to make sure there’s not another shortage so I’m stingier.
It almost makes you want to say something in the private message part.
I used to leave extra until the pandemic hit
I still scratch my head at that whole TP shortage in March / April. WTF?
I’ve not really encountered guests who took more than needed, at least within a reasonable range.
My guess is the difference between your guests and mine, are that yours are driving through while my guests typically are flying in / out.
When there were shortages, I feared it may lead to abuse so I added a line (since removed) in my Covid preparation note asking that guests be considerate of TP usage to ensure there would be enough for subsequent guests.
that yours are driving through
This is true. Most of my guests drive from 2 to 3 hours away. This is the first time anyone ran off with the toilet paper, though. Guess I will have to leave less out. Sheez!
It almost makes you want to say something in the private message part
I was considering that but they inadvertantly left behind a whole box of very expensive, very yummy high protein snacks and they were ideal guests in all other ways so I opted not too.
inadvertantly left behind a whole box of very expensive,
LOL. Good trade. Maybe they were genuinely in need of the TP.
In any case, at $1 or less per roll, it’s not hard to raise the price a little and let everyone pay for the thieves.