My listing not visible

My listing has not been visible to guests for several weeks, probably months. Airbnb say it is a known issue. They seem unable to fix it. I am losing a lot of money (traditionally all my summer bookings are made March/April). Airbnb simply ignore all questions asked of them, which is infuriating. I am a superhost, been hosting for 10 years - this is irrelevant except to mean that I am not a newbie who has done something odd to their listing.
Does anyone else have this problem? Anyone ever succeeded in claiming loss of earnings?! :slight_smile:

Does airbnb say what the ‘issue’ is? Is it many listings, or just yours or your areas?

Perhaps you can link to your listing so it can be checked for you by the international population that is on this forum.


Instead of sending a link, let us know your area and a few pertinent facts (# beds, price, title, etc.) so we can search for it as a guest would.


No and no.

Are you just relying om Airbnb for bookings? Are you also generating leads yourself?

From Airbnb? You’ve gotta be kidding.


I have had various friends try to look for it - they did not see it. I have tried to ask Airbnb about the issue. As I said, they do not answer any question put to them. Not one. It is quite astonishing.

However it is really bizarre - a few hours after posting this yesterday I got a booking!!! And now I can indeed find it myself, as a “traveller”. Maybe someone finally triggered a fix after seeing my problem description going out to wider audience. No idea.

What if you delisted and then relisted again. Might work like rebooting the system.

I am also having this issue, so much that I only have Booking .com bookings going forward. It happened last year too.

When I search for it using an incognito window, it shows up, but when I was using my sister’s account (she’s on the mainland US), it doesn’t come up for her.

There are a lot of listings on Maui, in Kihei so it’ll say 800+ listings but will only show you 15 pages, which then doesn’t show all of them.

If you’d be willing to check for me, it’s called Maui-Lucious by the Beach. It’s located in Kihei Maui. Search for any time between May 18 and June 9, 2024. It’s set at $225/night, which I change as we get closer to the dates.

Here’s the cover photo

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Searched for May 19-25, 2 guests, no other filters.
You did not show up on the “Maui” location in 15 pages.
When I entered Kihei, you are the first listing on page 9


Since the listing apparently shows up in Incognito Mode and not on others’ PCs etc. it could be that some filtering is applied to your listing, such as direct booking disabled due to bad reviews on the guest account that tries to book etc.

It’s just one example out of many settings that may be responsible to getting excluded in some searches.

The reason I’m posting this is because I recently noticed that our booking preferences mysteriously changed from direct bookings only with good track record to ‘anyone’. Needless to say we did get a booking with that setting which we NEVER activated or changed!!! So I had to change it back. I can only confirm that apparently such settings are changed for whatever odd reason but it certainly wasn’t us making any adjustments. So perhaps an issue like this could cause your listing to be wiped out of search results…

I did a search for Kihei for 2 people for May 18-25 for an entire place and your listing came up on page 11 for me.

If I add the Guest Favorite filter it comes up on page 5 so hopefully guests are using that filter.

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Airbnb’s search algorithms also show different listings in different order to different guests depending on the guest’s prior booking history. It shows guests what it thinks they would be most likely to book. Targeted marketing, just like everything else online.

(BTW, I keep getting confused at first when you mention “direct booking” , when you mean “Instant Book”. “Direct booking” normally refers to bookings guests make directly with hosts, through the host’s own website, through word of mouth, etc. not through a booking platform like Airbnb.)

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Me, too, especially since we have our own website and do get a lot of “direct booking” through that.

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Yeah, sorry about that. Of course, I meant instant booking.

Thank you for checking for me.

I’m sure when I lower my price, it will show up sooner.

Thank you for checking and letting me know ! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Deleted by poster 202020

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Please note that Airbnb fully agreed that my listing was not showing. There was no doubt at all about that. Was absolutely nothing to do with a strange setting or being far down the list.

And it has now completely disappeared again :frowning:

Yeah, I can’t find it :woozy_face: