My home is a sex den

I also wouldn’t call it a ruckus. We’ve seen way worse.:joy:

But this was the statement you made that got Helsi a bit irritated, and quite frankly, me as well.

This is a forum where a question is asked and opinions given. There’s not really a timeline for when one should “wait” before making a response. Polite disagreements are always allowed. Immediately, tomorrow or a week from now.

I’d suggest requiring all guests’ names at the time of reservation & allow only registered guests on the property.

Whether they reserve for one and are blocked by the “unregistered guest” rule or they reserve for two and can’t come up with a name for their flavor du jour, you should be well covered.

The “registered guests only” rule helps avoid so many issues (like parties, “friends” dropping by for “just a minute” at midnight, etc).

It’s a tough place for newbies, that’s for sure. Although my experience has been good so far, I have seen my share of tough responses to new forum members. And I get it. You have this core group of people that have ‘known’ each other for years. And then you have new members, who might have spent a long time perusing all kinds of topics before even signing up. So yes, I feel like I ‘know’ a bunch of you and I miss @jaquo , too. So it sure is a bit lopsided that way.

Also it’s natural to distrust new people, although you as experienced hosts should be rather good at this :wink:.

But keep in mind that new people often wait a long time before actively participating in the forums. And if or when they do, they are probably feeling self-conscious about doing it. So be gentle on us, please! Especially on people who have been members for a while before posting and who then contribute by answering in a post, as opposed to newbies that sign up, start a new topic the same day (not that there is anything wrong with that!), but often disappear once they got their question answered.

I think I do have a knack for veering off topic, so I should be a good fit for this forum…


Some people post, disappear for months and then return. They’ve been gone so long and have posted so infrequently that they seem new. If one clicks on a member’s name it shows when they joined; it doesn’t show how long they’ve read posts before joining.

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Whether someone is new or not it’s just common sense not to post things like…
CAn you please not argue with me immediately?

Crickettybat is my new favourite member :heart_eyes:


Well they certainly have the best name I’ve seen recently!

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Don’t I know it! I spent weeks reading posts before becoming a member. I suppose that is quite common.

Of course now I am re-reading the same threads because I can’t remember whether I have read them before. And some are worth reading twice. Electric kettle. Need I say more?

So for those that are reading but not members, I would like to point out that membership has it’s perks (such as remembering which threads you’ve read and forgotten, for example).



Welcome!! How come I haven’t noticed you before? :heart_eyes:

When I first joined here, I posted something and got a bunch of peanut gallery responses and felt chased off. Until I had the next crisis which members helped with, then I kept coming back and made lots of friends here!! Some don’t post anymore yet I talk to them every day.

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I don’t really get how a couple having sex makes your house a ‘sex den’, unless you’re comparing it to a monastery. Because these do sound like legit couples (in as far as, they arrived together. It’s really not our place to judge further than that).

If you really don’t want sex to happen in your home I would suggest either trying to dissuade people (by pointing out very clearly that your home is shared and there will be people in it. Or filling your place with crucifixes and Virgin Mary statues).

OR you could just outright forbid it in your house rules. Or only accept single guests.

Either way it seems like an unreasonable expectation. We’re not talking about random late night hook-ups here


I remember my first thread causing all out war between a few certain members, and resulting in the thread being deleted :joy: Nothing aimed at me though

Yikes… did I delete it!!! :laughing::laughing:

I asked you to!

I will add that nothing I said was provocative, of course :innocent: it just kind of spiralled out of control the forums sometimes do!

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Well, how have you not?!? You did give me a nice and helpful answer when I had a question in the kitchenette without sink thread. But I haven’t posted a whole lot yet. I haven’t even closed on the house I am buying where I want to rent out a separate unit via ABB and other sites. So I don’t have much to say yet, and I know it.

I did get proper insurance, though, thanks to this forum. Also learnt how not to do my taxes, white sheets are a must, and nothing beats a proper duvet and duvet cover (or as some would call it: a duvet and duvet insert). But having grown up in Europe, I knew the duvet thing already. Obviously :wink:.

Kona, I thought you were around since the beginning of time. Hard to imagine you being new once. You must be the longest, still regularly posting member on this forum now. And I am not saying you are old or anything! Or has @KKC been around longer? Don’t want to step on anybody’s toes now… Probably just did, though.


I was making a joke about it being a sex den.

I’m not doubting that they are legit couples.

I don’t mind sex happening in my home.

We are talking about organized late night hook ups.


Apologies, I missed this in your first post.

Did I?!! Glad to help!

LOL! No… I am not the oldest here. Yana has been here longer… so has cabinhost… I think! When I joined it was a bit of a free for all with no moderation.

Tom2 is the owner and funds this place from his own pocket. It’s not cheap so we should all be grateful!


I remember that other forum… it died a slow death. So you and I joined about the same time… there were others too, who shall remain nameless, but to whom I do wish good riddance! :laughing:

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