My first bad review - I am heartbroken

No! Though sometimes I’ve wondered if they might uncover some day! I wish they would! I’d love to have some ‘professional’ feedback.

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Give up being right, even when you know that you are.
Keep your feedback short and sweet.
It will get scrolled away soon enough.

ps; yes I had an airbnb staff stay with me once who mentioned on booking
"the most important thing for me is internet service, as I have to work while Im there."
It happened to be the week I changed servers so internet was NOT good!
He was very kind and left me a very nice review.

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When i read : It was too costly for them, i understood right away why they wrote a review like this. This is the ussual case with my reviews and i have over 50 of them. When my price is higher at certain days i ALWAYS get a mark down on price, other categories even cleanliness. People get unsettled when they felt they did not get a total bargain. When in a begining my prices were so low that i saw someone is renting a tent for the same amount of money, then i was suddenly an angel and my house was a palace.

The review does not sound reasonable overall starting with the fact that they wanted to meet you. Why? You are starngers, why do they care f they meet you? Its not like you are their tourguide. Many of my guests i never meet.
And there is no way i am going to sit home waiting for guests who arrive any time of the day.

I would reply, may be not that lenthy though. Just stay on top of topic, give short explanation and the reader will get the clear picture


Right… what I don’t understand is guests complaining about price after they saw the price and clicked BOOK. No one put a gun to their head and forced them to book. These are the kinds of petty guests all of us hope to avoid. Sunshine, what did you write about them? If it was something good, then surely that is salt in the wound. :frowning:

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Sunshine - how awful - but many of us have been there too and are gobsmacked when a cruel review comes out of nowhere. It may have nothing to do with you at all - just guests having a bad day, everything annoying them and they were just looking for a fight.

The advice from superhostnyc is absolutely spot on. I would almost cut it and paste it and in fact I am going to keep it in my armory of responses.

Good luck - you won’t be able to get it removed, but a couple of nice guests from now and a couple more of your usual glowing reviews and it will all just be a distant memory.

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I so want to give feedback about this to air. I feel this guest is defamatory to my character. A few picks i can deal with but not untruths.

yes, this is another problem they were very moody-well actually my partner said she was moody (her partner spoke a little), she had a terrible attitude from the start. They were annoyed they couldnt get an early check in I think this annoyed them from thee start. Their communication was dire. They didnt respond to me until a month after they booked.I tried to communicate with them about bag facilities etc but no response. so i guess things didnt get off to a great start

may ask you guys to check were my reviews are? You know how reviews arent in order anymore…
ie, is the baddy review showing at top? when i look at my laptop its the 2nd review. But my friends look and its the 6th or 7th review edging on to the 2nd page!

ps: this is my listing

SUNSHINE!!! Thank you for posting the listing number… In the case of this bad review, just let it go. ANY response you give is going to expand THEIRS fully and YOURS fully, drawing even more attention to this awful person!!

Here’s how it looks to me… the baddy is number two, and furthermore, the bad stuff is located under the MORE button! Just leave it!

You are better off just letting it go… let us help you by trying to upvote the others so that it can fade off more quickly. Damn the review system anyway!!! It’s clear you are an awesome host and I love your opening!

A warm Irish welcome indeed and a thumbs down to those losers Valentine!!!

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PS. Sunshine, your place is immaculate and precious and it totally shows! Any guest would be lucky to stay… in fact I’m heading over soon! Just kidding… it looks outstanding…

Don’t let these bad apples ruin your day… guests are junk sometimes… Hosts know it, guests know it and it’s just what happens sometimes…

and thank you for being so open and sharing. Valentine will never ever get a chance to take a whack at any of the hosts who read here. That is for damn sure.

Didn’t let these scoundrels make you feel bad about yourself for one second!!!

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Oh holy god!!! Now i cant sleep tonight!! How depressing, why, she do this! this person stayed 1 night and was 2 weeks ago! But i waited to review to hope they would go to the 2nd page, as i knew with their attitude thyed write a god awful review. But off course air now jumble the review system. I am going to ring them tomorrow. I will not let this lay.too Many lies!

I feel your pain and have been there! If they won’t remove it… just leave it! Otherwise it will get REALLY glaring!! Please, don’t let them do this to you. They are clearly idiots. No love either, Valentine. UGH!!!

Sorry they had the power to ruin your memory of your sister’s wedding, too. Don’t lose sleep over them! Nasty nasty little sh*ts. Some guests just are!

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Sunshine - your place looks amazing and your 100+ other positive reviews speak for themselves.

Please don’t take it personally, some people just can not be pleased. You are obviously doing a great job.

Love your kind words Konaconutz ! Thank you!

That madam definitely didnt have any loving! lol

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Thank you so much.
I will ask airbnb tomorrow why they are muddling reviews. This particular review by date, should of been at bottom.
To be honest i think we should all contact ait about review system. Im all for action no talk. I shall do it tomorrow I hope you do to

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Sleep well and put this out of your mind. There’s always going to be a bad apple or two in every barrel!

Thanks so much! Happy hosting lol…
Ps: i will let you know how it goes with Air tomorrow :slight_smile:

It’s sixth in the list for me which is even further down. The guest obviously isn’t brilliant at the English language (or a bit illiterate) so if I saw that review as a potential guest I’d probably think that it was miscommunication due to language difficulties that caused her weird problems and shrug it off.

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6th, Jaquo, this review system is killing me. Same on friends computer 6th, but mine im second, im google chrome if that makes sense?