My first 1* rating

If you are going to respond then perhaps add: “This is an opportunity to remind people considering our place to fully read the listing to make sure it is suitable for you before booking. We want all our guests to have a comfortable and pleasant stay”.

Whether she read it or not deflect criticism back onto the other person by implying they didn’t do due diligence. And finish on a positive note. They don’t get to respond so…


Thank you for your feedback we are sorry you did not have the 5 star experience we strive to provide for our guests. I am grateful for your comments, hopefully the next person who does not read the listing description may benefit from your experience.



LOL! But, WAY too subtle for this person, I’m certain. Plus I’d rather swallow my dust rag than tell her I’m “grateful for her comments”.


It’s not for her, it’s for future guests. Take the high road. Or just do not reply.



If you never respond to the positive reviews responding to this one will highlight it. Remember responding to a review is for future guests, not the one that left.

Because it’s the first 1*… congratulations we all need one. She will come across as petty and an outlier, someone that clearly didn’t read your listing. But if you respond when you do you come across as someone that can’t take criticism even though they were in the wrong. Because basically, they didn’t read the description, I would want to say…

“I’m sorry your reading skills are lacking and you didn’t read our description before you booked our place…” Ahhh guests.


I had a dreadful one a few months ago and just bit my tongue and now it’s buried down deep. The guest seemed perhaps tipsy…? when she wrote her review and message to me. I let it go and feel better for it. And every once in a while I do myself a solid and read all my other reviews and feel a tiny bit better.

My saga here: Need help with response for a review

It’s hard but it rolls off…


I would not respond. It will make it stand out.

Hmmm. I seem to be in the minority here. I always respond if there are inaccuracies in the review. If people don’t read reviews (and I think most don’t) then they will never see either the review or the response, but if they do read them (and some do) then I don’t want them to make their decision based on inaccurate information.

I do agree it is best not to get personal in the response, or use the response to vent your frustration or anger at a guest. Just correct any factual inaccuracies.


I you absolutely MUST respond to the Review (I’m one who does not think it’s a good idea) The what you wrote is perfect:

“Our listing clearly states that the bed is a full size bed, that the bathroom is shared and that parking is on the street. Our shower is a standard size shower stall & a TV is not listed as an amenity. Perhaps a standard hotel room would be more suitable for these guests.”


Thanks Natalie. I just read about your review situation…How terrible! My guest gave me a bunch of low stars but at least didn’t make up stuff to justify. Just the short complaint under the 1*. since they were fine while they were here (a bit stand-offish, maybe, and not very pleasant), I gave them a nice simple review. Other than the husband smelled like a tobacco factory, I had no reasonable reason to rate them poorly. Still, grrr…

Thanks everyone. It really helps to vent before acting. After reading your suggestions, I realized that I’m in the “reply” camp, and needed to say something. I modified my original to read: “I’m very sorry that our guests did not take the time to read our listing before booking. If they had, they would have seen the following: bed is full size, bathroom is shared, parking is on the street. In addition, our shower is a standard size shower stall & a TV is not listed as an amenity. Perhaps a standard hotel room would have been more suitable for these guests.”

I really appreciate all your feedback!


When a guest mentions in their review things that are clearly listed I write a reply I either:
a) Do as many other said and just leave it alone and let it drop down
b) If I feel the guest has misrepresented something that is important, then I say: It’s important that guests to take the time to read the entire listing to make sure that it is compatible for their needs. I then specifically address the comment they complained about briefly.

I liked @RiverRock better. Remember, guest doesn’t care and often doesn’t read your response. Future guests always want to know how friendly and welcoming the host is. You response is for future guests.

I used to be the opinion that “no response to negative review” was the best. I’m on the opposite side now as more and more people complaining about vengeance reviews with the main goal TO HURT host’s business. 1-star review in your case is exactly that type of review.

I would use RiverRockRetreat version. It’s shows you are friendly and know how to deal with difficult people. Your version shows that you were hurt by the guest (that’s exactly what happened and what your guest wanted). DON’T SHOW YOUR FUTURE GUEST YOUR FEELINGS


Probably not a likely outcome, but oddly enough, back when I received my first and only 3 star review, I wrote a LENGTHY, barbed, witty (if I do say so) response to this miserable woman. I learned a year later that one of my guests had actually CHOSEN to stay in my listing for that response.

Now, I am not gonna say it didnt turn away a few or advise anyone to do so, but in that particular case, I felt vindicated. :slight_smile:


I like jamjerrupSunset’s idea, because it is elegant, simple, and because it clearly states that your boundaries around rules are firm.

Puts a damper on the potential jackass guest, too.

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Before you respond, I would call Airbnb and tell them that the guest was complaining that the rental was exactly as described, which isn’t appropriate.

I had a problem like this, and Airbnb removed the review (In my case, the guest was complaining that my listing didn’t have windows, and photographs contradicted that)


I would change the last sentence to, “Had this guest (name) read our listing before booking, or arriving, she would have known all of these things. Unpleasant demeanor during her stay.”

As a host, I would appreciate seeing something like this on a guest’s review. She’s never going to book you again anyway.


But her review was accurate. She just listed everything that already was written in description and listed in amenities .
I wouldn’t respond . The 1* was unfair but what you are going to do with guests like this.

It’s up to you of course but I had to change my perfectly good full size bed to Queen. The reason was is that I made a lot of guests struggling on that bed. Especially had problems with Americans and I got couple of bad reviews that was 100% related to bed size

Howabout: “Oh so you can write, but you can’t read, you big shithouse”.
See how better you feel :slight_smile:


I am no longer of the “no response” team. Like others on this thread “it depends”.

Last year I had a negative review from someone for whom I had made many accommodations. Yes-I know, be wary of people who ask for extras and they never give you “credit” for being helpful. The review had 3 key inaccuracies about my rental (bed size & number, TV channels available)

I addressed inaccurate items in review but kept emotion & opinion out of the response (not easy).

My reason for the response is I feel guests are more likely to read reviews than they are the rental description.

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