Morgan Stanley - IPO

Try a different browser? Firefox has a load delay on some sites for me.

Yeah thank you. Seems like it doesn’t like Chrome on Fedora for some reason. I tried with chrome in a windows VM and everything loaded fine.

Anyone run into an issue with the DSP login? Says account has been disabled, so can’t get in to confirm shares. I’m able to log in to my new Morgan Stanley account just fine…
Of course offices are closed, so the redirect phone number doesn’t help after hours…time ticking.

I’m having the same question. Never done this before, and I’m confused. Did you proceed with transfer funds into that mysterious REG-xxxx account, @waximus?

I got my purchase confirmation email this morning.

I only requested 20, I got them all. LOL. Because of all the hype I’m now kind of wishing I’d requested more but I simply don’t have the extra money, especially not this year. My airbnb is currently closed, has been closed on and off for about half the year.

It did say in the emails that none were guaranteed so I wasn’t counting on anything. It also says the shares will appear “within 24 hours of the IPO” in my account.

This is a buy and hold situation for me and I participated for amusement and education. I wanted to see exactly how it was done as both a host and a moderator on the forum who tries to be helpful occasionally.

Some people don’t understand that a big first day pop isn’t good for the company and people with locked up shares. It’s only good for those who buy lower (maybe at ipo price) and sell higher.

We all know that hosts don’t read. :wink: (forum joke)

Edit to add: sell

See Cramer’s advice on purchasing AirBnB - he supports buying at $68:

I never got an email after expressing interest. How do I do this?

It’s too late. You weren’t selected to participate in the program.

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@cheapLiving Are you a host who participated in the DSP?

Did you read this thread?

Also I’d like to remind everyone that there will be trading fees when you sell and if you hold less than 1 year you are subject to short term capital gains tax rates so don’t forget to deduct that from your “easy money” total.

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The trading fee is 7 cents a share. I am more interested in finding out if there is a lock up period or not.

We bought as much as we were comfortable with losing if everything goes bust, however, I am expecting the entire vacation industry to be robust in the next couple of years. Many have already seen greater bookings. There have been articles comparing the coming years with the “roaring 20s” following the last pandemic. I know I am looking forward to traveling again and almost always use Airbnb. For us, with our age and other factors, it may not be until 2022 but I can daydream! We will contine to hold off on opening our in-home room until the virus is mitagated. As for the stock, there will probably be ups and downs. My hope is the leadership will have learned from some of their risky ventures and settle down into their core strenghts and continue to build the brand that people initially expected from them.

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I read everything Airbnb and MS sent about this except for the entire 400+ page prospectus. I read it all so that you don’t have to. Not. :joy:

But seriously it makes me wonder if the new people posting here are really participants in the program or something else. And then people don’t even read the thread after they end up here.

Yeah, but folks have got busy lives… I mean you can’t expect them to actually read the topic before asking questions, that have already been answered, can you?



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We were just robbed of our opportunity to participate in the middle of the night>
Morgan Stanley set the price, published a link to confirm interest and closed the window to confirm all within a few hours, shutting us out at 1AM EST.
I had previously felt tremendous good will at being recognized and given the chance to participate.
Now, I feel like I have been swindled, and left out in the cold.
The closest thing to it is the feeling I had when finding a ladder up against my home and finding everything gone. A cold sick feeling. This is a sensation I now have for AirBNB. Too bad!

They failed to mention that it would come and go in the middle of the night, so that hosts who sleep at night would be cut out. At least our interest helped them pump up the price.
How cynical and devious of AirBNB

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u can sell …by calling as soon as it IPOs. but so can their employees. this is something that will make it interesting and maybe not like DASH but in a way, if it still pops WITH employees ability to sell on day 1…that means this will go even higher…for long term.

yep, ST capital gains…is what…25%? i mean, i doubt if some make $20k in a day of work they may just sell. for the squeamish, id sit back and let it ride for a while. a long while. go look at facebook and some others’ cycles…no matter what, airbnb is the market beast and ubiquitous…u get a hotel or “bnb” as my indian parents would say. its google, uber etc. heavy brand equity. its going to be around forever and either get gobbled up by a giant or just be its market leader and with all this cash, it may finally become even better for hosts and customers.

i think in what i just heard Chesky say on CNBC they are going to focus on hosts.

No you weren’t. Everything that’s happened was disclosed up front. On top of all the emailed disclosures there was the caveat that no one was guaranteed anything even if you jumped through all the hoops.

False, they sent out an email reminder yesterday morning.

A sense of entitlement together with flat out lying about the situation. Haven’t we all seen enough of this?


Yes, it was a bit of a chore to monitor my messages and make sure I purchased to make the deadline. However, the messages I got from Morgan Stanley were quite clear that purchase had to be made by 11:59 p.m., which was later extended to 1 a.m.
I don’t know if this compression is typical of every directed share program, as this is the first one I’ve participated in.

I predict a locked and delisted topic coming up soon…

Ho hum.


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There is no lockup period