Mascara stains are driving me CRAZY

We host guests in our home and we live there. We provide all sorts of lovely toiletries and provide make-up remover cloths for people to use in hopes of keeping our expensive towels/wash cloths from being damaged. Our last guest removed her make-up on a wash cloth and it took me several hours to get the stains out.

How are other hosts preventing this from happening? I would appreciate your suggestions on how to prevent this from happening and some tried and true methods for getting out the stains on towels and linens.


Donā€™t put it in the washer, I use a 70% alcohol, soak the stain, itā€™s the only thing I have found that works. If you wash in hot water it will set the stain forever.
I provide quality make-up removal pads, and then when I replaced my towels and face clothes, I purchased dark colors. I really donā€™t have the time for extensive stain removal.
Good luck


It happens just about every week. Soak the towels in Oxyclean. Wash in cold water. If possible, line-dry to bleach them. Job done.


Donā€™t buy ā€œexpensive towels/wash clothsā€

I hold them at gunpoint until theyā€™ve removed their makeupā€¦:scream::fearful::rofl:
and then we only buy dark washcloths!

Seriouslyā€¦ Iā€™ve never had an issue with makeup stains of any kind. Our towel sets are sandy tan and dark brown.


I have inexpensive gray and black washcloths to go with my white sheets and towels. I can replace them for about a buck each so I wouldnā€™t spend hours getting the stain out. Iā€™d soak and treat and toss in the wash. If it didnā€™t come clean it would become a household rag and Iā€™d replace it with a new washcloth. I now have excess pillowcases so same with them. Good quality sheets are the only thing worth expending some effort to get stains out. Iā€™ve had so few mascara stains Iā€™m not sure what I used. It was probably Genesis 950 which is an all around cleaner I buy in bulk.


@KKC What type/brand of extra pillowcases do you get?

I provide Neutrogena* makeup wipes. I leave the container on the vanity next to the washcloths, with a message:

MAKEUP REMOVER : In order to keep the white sheets as clean as possible, we ask that you use the makeup remover wipes as needed.

I have been purchasing a large box at Costco, when they have a sale. Costco is now selling its own Kirkland brand version.

It has either been very effective or Iā€™ve been lucky as Iā€™ve only had a couple of instances where I had makeup on the washcloths; in those instances Iā€™ve sprayed the cloth with ā€˜Shoutā€™ and theyā€™ve come clean.



I stopped providing makeup remover wipes after a major drain blockage from people flushing them down the loo. Dark face cloths, Shout and oxyclean do the job for me.


We have a similar issue, as in the only thing you can put down our loos is paper - weā€™re in the ā€œold townā€ and the sewage infrastructure here can just about deal with paper, hence a bin in every loo. And a plunger in the cupboard!

My OH uses Vanish, which I think is the european equivalent to Oxyclean. Soak them for 15mins and if that doesnā€™t work a mild solution of bleach. No idea about a hot or cold wash, I must ask her!!!


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Added a new rule, signage in the bathroom and gray washcloths. Has eliminated most of the damage.


They vary depending on what I like and what is on sale.

Sign going up today!! And new rule added. A big thank you to everyone for all the great ideas on prevention as well as cleaning solutions.

I get Costco sheets with 4 pillowcases and I keep the pillowcases when I have to dump the rest of the set. So over the last 4+ years Iā€™ve accumulated an extra supply. I do have some that are printed from when I used printed sheets but Iā€™m not afraid to pair pillowcases with sheets that donā€™t match.

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@Lynick4442 Replacement fees: Do you really put linens at that price point in your rental or is that meant to be a deterrent?

Deterrent. For the most part I donā€™t charge the damage fees I warn about. I do if you sneak in a dog or smoke but thatā€™s the only time Iā€™ve charged.

I was wondering the same. Costco has white washcloths at 24 for $12 US - or 50 cents each. Include tax and the hassle factor, and a washcloth is $1.

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I went with the gray washcloths because people like me are allergic to most Health and Beauty items. Plus less waste.

I tend to assume - and rightly in most cases - that people who are allergic will bring their own products. Even less waste if I supply nothing :wink:


Same here. Also with body wipes in bathroom

Septic concerns trump stains on wash clothes.

I think I posted this before, but since I bought these:
My makeup stains have become almost nonexistent. I think that just by providing them makes the guest realize itā€™s a problem, and thereā€™s no excuse for stained linens.