Looking for source small quantities of "sanitation" bags for clean drinking glasses

I’m sure you know that we’re home-share hosts, like you. Guests are in our home, which has a lot of original art, valuable glassware, and more.

Haven’t had a single problem of damage or breakage.

Many of our guests come here (and come back) specifically for the decor.

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Actually, I didn’t know you were a homeshare host. I’m aware that some other hosts on this forum are, but somehow missed that you were, or forgot.

In that case, it makes total sense that you would have the things you love on display, regardless of whether they serve some practical purpose beyond being beautiful, or not.

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also, yes. we buy Who Gives A Crap tp. great marketing, a fun company, gives back to charity, and during the lockdowns they 100% guaranteed our deliveries so i didn’t have to panic buy tp. And we save all the tp rolls and wrappers, fill them with dryer lint, and they make great fire starters.

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your listing says you are closed due to covid 19.
Is that still the case?

Wow! Thank you for mentioning this product. Definitely going to try it!

Just made my first order. Thank you again!!

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We are booking only directly. I haven’t decided what to do with the Airbnb listings. They’re both out-of-date. I’m sort of in a quandary.

Ever since we started using this new banner, we don’t even really have to clean the tub at all…



A friend of mine bought a little fixer-upper house that had a brown toilet, of all things. The seller told him, in all seriousness, that it was great, because it never really needed cleaning.



Maybe I’ll put one of those across the front door instead of cleaning, and hope nobody notices: Certified SlackerHost


oh damn, should have done a referral, Haha!

wow, power to you for that! and your listing is still live at abb so it’s kinda like free advertising. Do people contact you after seeing it on abb?

Yes, this is a great find. I am a little wary that they are so attractive that guests might pocket one for use at home but I won’t sweat the small stuff.

BTW, I was tempted to get the following but decided against it for now as it yet one more thing to do:

yes, this is true, but we only put 1 or 2 in the cottage. So far no one has taken an extra. What I should do is put our referral code somewhere in the cottage, in case guests want to sign up. having a large box of tp delivered on a regular schedule is so convenient, we used them before we started doing STR (we have 8 toilets on our farm!).

I’m not interested in doing any of those “hotel” things like paper wrappers on toilet seats. That practice stopped being mainstream over a decade ago and now it’s more the middle/budget places that do it, so for me it doesn’t say “luxury” to have them in use. And as you say, it’s another thing to do, we should be streamlining our turnovers, not adding more steps! We fold the toilet paper into a triangle which shows someone was attending to the space, in a more subtle way.


We are booking only with previous guests and people referred by friends. No strangers at this point.


AirBnbs are not hotels, but it seems we are trying more and more to be like them. I have stayed at B&Bs that offer glasses and a water pitcher and I would never think they weren’t clean and in fact would find it a little corporate to see paper covering the glasses.


If my property was a new condo furnished with modern, shiny furniture I might share your concern, but after eight years I am 100% confident that the overall charm of the place will totally overwhelm “corporate,” and if the occasional guest thinks “those guys are trying a little too hard to be clean,” I’d much rather that than "not trying hard enough."

I’ve talked to guests over the years, and even the big fans of AIRBNB have told me they worry “will it be clean?” every time until they check in and find it so (or not), and they don’t have to worry about this with a name-brand business hotel chain because of corporate standards across the chain… so, on matters of cleanliness, maybe a wee bit of “corporate” isn’t a bad thing.

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I had a guest who wanted to book who repeatedly asked how clean my listing was.
I asked her what the concerns were, and to look at my cleanliness rating.
Would not respond, but kept asking.
In the end I declined the booking, as I figured she would go looking for what ever she could find.
I have stayed in corporate listings and have asked for the room to be redone as it wasn’t up to any standard…. Including the large amount of detritus under the bed!

If a guest asked me that, my assumption would be that she experienced some grotty listing before. But if so, you’d think she would say that without being prodded and ignoring the question.

Sound like a good call turning her down.

When you talk about “corporate listings,” is your experience with an airbnb owned by a holding company or a high end hotel chain.

I once suggested a category called Rebelhost.
