Kitchen Quarantine: What’cha Cook’n?

The key is in the word “worked” which implies a job, and being paid, however poorly.

I do not get paid for cleaning up the mess Mr Joan leaves in a trail behind him, although my anticipatory skills often lead him having to fish something back out of the dishwasher!

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Is he a good cook? DO you eat the meals? So its tit for tat, he cooks you clean. Fair and square…

As my Mum would say, did you get out of the wrong side of bed this morning?

Nah, I have been on the other side of the trail of debris argument and when I cook (always) someone else cleans. If there is only one cook in the family its only fair. Otherwise split it 50/50


Generally agree with you. But some people manage to make an incredible mess when they cook. I don’t mind washing up if someone else feeds me, that seems perfectly fair, but if it takes an hour to clean up, I’d prefer to do the cooking myself, as I clean up as I go and after the meal it takes about 10 minutes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I totally agree but sadly, not within my experience. I cook, he cooks; I get to clean up every time. Like you, when I cook, I clean up as I go along. When Mr Joan cooks, the kitchen is carnage and takes well over an hour to clean up.

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cooking in quarantine was fun. I and my hubby use to cook together and that was much fun and one good experience of our life.

My lovely Indian guests made me masala dosas last week. One of my fav Indian veggie dishes.


What’s a “guest”?

Asking for a friend.


P. S. like your table :wink:

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Ah thanks @JohnF - I’ve had it for years - many happy memories have been built around that table :grin::smiley: