It's my turn for a high maintenance guest

Sooooo what happened in the end, don’t keep us all in suspense. :stuck_out_tongue:


yes, it is not typical. But I think it depends where the guests are coming from. People from AL and MN surely will be comfortable with 65F in winter and 68-70 in summer. People from the south probably need more. 85F is a lot and probably I could suck up the cost for such a guest if it’s a couple of days. However I much rather expect that the guest be rational and courteous and bring extra sweaters and select a more reasonable temperature in the 70s, if she/he are cold.

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Did you mean AK (Alaska)? AL (Alabama) is in the south. :slight_smile:


Well, all of my 13 reviews as a guest are great (except the first and that was because he complained I asked too many questions and that was because his listings didn’t match what actually was offered). It has not been an issue. I have not had a host who restricted my use of temperature control beyond what made me comfortable.

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Oh, believe me I am bringing and wearing layers. I even wore long johns under my workout uniforms 5 months out of the year when working out at 6am at Fort Bragg, NC…

I would have been a horrible guest if I expected to walk around in shorts and tank top and use a host’s heat to keep warm.

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Because people in other age brackets aren’t entitled? Please…the biggest pain group I’ve had were moms in their 40s.

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I am inclined to agree with you. Thankfully a lot of them show up with a grandma in the group and they behave much better as she usually makes them pick up after themselves and controls the children.

Some people just love stereotypes.

Former Teachers, not so much. :wink:

Oh, I’m guilty too. I just think my stereotypes are justified. :wink: (Trump supporters, evangelical Christians, people who run illegal Airbnbs…the list is really endless)


@CeeBee, @HH_AZ, @Magwitch, @Militaryhorsegal, @RiverRock I’m sorry for the delay in providing the “end of the story”. I had Airbnb contact the guest and help her move to a more suitable place. I contacted her thereafter and she told me she would need some time to find a new place because she wanted to visit various places before making her decision. At the end, she stayed a week longer before finally leaving. As she was originally booked for a month, and I don’t host for short periods (less than 5 days), I had a hard time getting replacement guests for the entire remainder of her booking. Thankfully, she did not review me. The guest really upset me and burst my generally happy bubble of the great hosting experience I normally have.
Wishing you a 2020 of wonderful, non-whinny sane guests!


I hope you reviewed her.