Issue with Shared Space and Patio Area


Itā€™s funny, I was cautious at the beginning of this thread thinking maybe the guest had a point. But the stuff posted about the resolution makes it pretty clear. I have a special loathing for people who think making/saving a dollar on a minor technicality is more important than someone elseā€™s business/feelings. A very special loathing. @datrip1 I hope this works out for you. Whatever the outcome, please please if you get the chance to review - donā€™t hold back. This kind of person has no place on the platform. They should know that nobody wants to host them.

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Itā€™s just occurred to me that since she complained about your use of the ā€œonly TVā€ you should buy a TV and put in the guest room. I started out without one in mine but added it later. The prime reason is to give them one less reason to come into the common space. I had one young man who booked twice in a week going to and from his destination and each time he wanted to watch the basketball playoff games. So he stayed in his room all evening with the TV turned down low. Win-win.


I donā€™t think he needs to buy another tv. There is one tv in the house and does not have cable, but has a few features. It basically says that the guest needs to be willing to socialize and share space, or they are choosing the wrong place. These folks clearly thought they were entitled to sole use of the house, and the owner was supposed to disappear.

I dont have in my rules that no guests are allowed, but anyway noone ever brings any guests ever. One girl only asked me if her friend can stop by for couple hours, i said yes but friend never came. These people are nuts to even think of something like that to bring 8 people over only renting a room. And request for you not to use your own house the way you want is absurd.
Now, with that said, about the party. Where your guests at the house the whole day? Where they one of those guests who travel but dont want to leave the house? I understood that you are young and your friends are between 20 and 30. Its not a good match with people who can be your grandparents and when there is a party with drinking going on. If you plan to have parties like this often with your guests around i think the best would be to have guests your own age, who not only would not mind you having a party but would actually love the idea of may be even joining you.


I donā€™t have such rules either. But then I donā€™t have a nice patio that cries out for a party! I donā€™t agree about the age thing, by the way. Iā€™ve had a ton of older guests who drink heavily (as in really a lot!) and they are a pain. They think they can handle it but they canā€™t. People are people, young or old, itā€™s best to treat them all the same. Rules need to be clear, EVERYTHING needs to be clear. Itā€™s not fair to expect guests to second-guess stuff.
@datrip1 Please give an update on things!

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Andā€¦? Empty post. Itā€™s a bit ghostly :frowning:

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Just highlighting what you said.


OK. Does that mean Iā€™m awesome? lol


TV in the bedroom is bad feng shui. It also costs extra for the additional box.


Hey I have the head of the bed pointing east to counteract it. LOL. The guest wanting to watch my TV in the common space causes negative energy in me that is worse than any feng shui bad juju.


I still havenā€™t heard anything from Airbnb. Itā€™s way too much a hassle to get another TV and I donā€™t even have Cable. I just have an antenna plus HBO GO and Netflix. People that want to watch TV in my place can either watch something on their computer off of my wifi or my main TV when Iā€™m not home. In the summer, Iā€™m rarely home as it is.


Totally agree! If I ever do put a TV in there for guests, Iā€™ll remove it if I sleep in that room!

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They can watch on their iPad I do it at home for myself. No one is staying so they can watch TV.

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I donā€™t have cable for guests either. Only one or two have complained.

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No cable here either! I do have a ROKU 3 on the only TV in the house in the living roomā€¦they can use Netflix or Amazon. I would go absolutely BONKERS if a guest was in my home watching cable "newsā€™ channels! I would move out, seriously.

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I guess you didnā€™t see my post about the man who stayed here twice within a week. He absolutely would only book a place with TV because he was watching the NBA playoffs. I sound like a broken record but I really think those of you who host TOURISTS are having a different experience than those of us who host TRAVELERS. In fact, Iā€™m absolutely sure of it! No one who hosts tourists has any idea what travelers want in their rooms. LOL.

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Haaaaahhh. Ha ha ha ha ha
Got this trying to post ha ha

Body is invalid; try to be a little more descriptive


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Airbnb finally responded and basically said the guests were completely out of line and that some people will never be happy using Airbnb lol. They didnā€™t offer any refund to them luckily.