I want to crawl under a rock

You crack me up. I know- why on earth do some cat people keep the litter box in the kitchen? I had a friend who did that- right next to the fridge. What on earth are they thinking? How can it not be revolting to them?

Although I’m not a cat person, it seems like one somehow always wanders into my life. When my kids were young, they liked having a cat, and now I grudgingly adopted a stray. But all of them have gone outside to do their business, and have been more outside than inside cats.

I don’t understand people who never allow the cat out of the house, either. Like it never actually gets to be a cat and do things cats do, like prowl around at night, it’s just like a breathing, eating, pooping stuffed animal.

Maui Maui the bengal went to sleep on my bed last night, at 3-34 am he woke me by bashing on the French doors wanting out. If I don’t arise immediately, there will be velvet paws with slightly unsheathed needle sharp claws patting my face……the claws getting longer and longer if I don’t wake up at once,
He has no tray inside, but has been known to mark new pieces of furniture. Cat urine is an excellent stripper of French polish!

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I’m with @RebeccaF. Sorry that you find it just so amusing. This can go badly for @Vanmep.
Yes, we have always had cats and hope the best for @vanmep with this.

Now see, I don’t get that at all. Why not just put the cat out before you go to bed?

Because he rarely sleeps on my bed as Bengals can be very stand offish. he had a cuddle and a scratch and was being unusually friendly…and then a fell asleep!

I suspect it was much less mortifying than finding a human poo in the toilet; at least it would be for me, anyway! Animal owners/lovers understand, don’t sweat a less than stellar review. I bet you’re all good!

Yes, I’ve had lots of indoor cats in the last 30 years. I’ve never had trouble keeping them out of our guest rooms.

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I find it amusing because it’s not easy keeping a determined pet out of a closed room if you’re going in and out. Short of locking her in a room or outdoors, she’s going to try to get to the space and “help” and explore.

I would be mortified if someone found a poop on the bed, but I also wonder what took 30 minutes and if they didn’t let the cat in and then there was an accident.

If you put a cat out at night, coyotes, cougars, foxes, and cars will kill them. All our animals are in at night.

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Well, maybe you live in the desert where there are no trees for cats to climb to get away from predators but there are usually some things around for cats to climb, like leaping up on the roof of an outbuilding.

I have lived where there are cougars, bears, and other predators, and cars, and my cats never got killed because they were put out at night.

But it’s certainly true that a cat that is a pampered house cat, just like some wild animals that have been rescued from bad situations and raised in captivity, may not have the equivalent of “street smarts” to look after themselves.

Indeed. Keeping her out of the basement is another story. She “demands” entry to ours regularly, and maintains untold “great napping spots”.
She has a special meow for “open this door right now”, and gets whatever she likes. A very lovable affectionate 17 year old tuxedo cat. She is remarkably spry for her age, and we hope she has many years left with us.

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My daughter was dying for a cat when she was little. I’ve already said I don’t like them (sorry) so it wasn’t happening. The neighbor 2 doors down had a very pretty cat named Cinnamon who I despised because she hunted my birds (I had bird feeders galore because them I do like). She also furred up my nice patio cushions sleeping on them in roundtable fashion. I couldn’t get rid of her no matter what I did, so I finally told my daughter she was her cat, but she was an outdoor only kitty. For 2 years she thought this cat we never fed, watered, let inside or pet was hers. It was great! :joy:

My last home we had a cat loving neighbor whose cats decided my organic garden beds were giant litter boxes. I had to dig “it” up and dispose of “it” safely regularly. Eww!! I’m still miffed about that :poop: (pun totally intended).

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Love that story about your daughter thinking she had a cat.

Yes, that’s the main thing I hate about cats- I’ve always grown a vegetable garden, and as soon as I dig it over, and plant my seeds, some cat decides she has a lovely new huge bathroom to use. I’ve had to lay down chicken wire on top of the new beds, which looks ugly, and is a lot of work. And sometimes the cat manages to push it off.

Yes, that’s the main thing I hate about cats. I’ve always grown a vegetable garden, and as soon as it’s freshly dug over and I’ve planted the seeds, some cat thinks it has a lovely new huge bathroom to use. I’ve had to lay chicken wire over freshly planted beds, which was a lot of extra work and looks ugly. And sometimes the cats manage to push it off.

Yes, I’ve done all sorts of things and they still find a way. That’s why when folks were fussing the OP about how the cat got in the room I was like, really? It’s like “life”…. always finds a way (thanks for that gem Jurassic). Cats, squirrels and mice/rats. And the occasional raccoon….will find a way or MAKE a way if they are determined.

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There are sure a lot of things that you distain, @muddy.


That may be true. What, like people who treat their pets like babies, organized religion and anti-vaxxers? Yep.
There’s a lot of things I admire and love, too.

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There are two sides to this, cats are also predators and kill a lot of birds; some conservationists think it could be 30% of birds in urban areas. They can also get and spread disease as well as get killed in a number of ways. House cats aren’t a native species and don’t “live in the wild.” Just because they like to go outside doesn’t mean they should go outside.

My cat went outside because I had a dog door and was ignorant.


The cat was intentionally trying to let them know who’s boss. He knew exactly what he was doing… That’s why I don’t do cats.

I can go you one better. I have a sister in law who used to keep her litter box ON the kitchen counter right next to the stove. She had three cats.

Not gonna lie, every family gathering the first question out of my mouth was “what did Judy bring?”


I love cats and dogs and all animals, even pet rats. My DD lets her cat walk on the kitchen counters. I shudder and cringe when I see this. Blech…