I need to vent about current guest!

We actually practice this now, but it took us a long time to accept it, it took a lot of guests to convince us of the ultimate value, in having to cancel in a sense and not accepting the inquiry. Its better for them, its better for us. We got a summer rush of people who just want to treat us as hotel staff, and we had to say wait a minute. We didn’t sign up for that. We have a list of common routine incomers, we might roll off of instant book. It just depends on the weather really LOL.

Indeed very curious…

We were in Croatia recently when the Alabama legislation was passed. I met a young American woman who was utterly distraught. She showed me that ghastly photo of the aged white male legislators.

We have our own pro-lifers on this side of the pond but we also have one part of the UK where the the legislation is even harsher than Alabama’s; namely, Northern Ireland, where the UK 1967 Abortion Act has never been enacted. It is a criminal offence for anyone, not just medical staff, to procure a termination, including medication over the internet, with a possible life term of imprisonment up to 99 years. With the collapse of the devolved government in NI, it would be an easy task for the UK Government to extend the '67 Act, but of course they won’t. They are being propped up in Parliament, having lost their majority in 2017, by the rabid DUP of NI.

More despairing to be done.


If she was aware of how much she was talking ,she wouldn’t talk that much😁

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So… she’s gone!! :fireworks::fireworks::smile::crazy_face:

Last night I spent some more time with her and drank more wine. It was fascinating and exhausting. It’s rare these days that I meet people from small towns that have not travelled much in their lives. I hope she has gained some insight into British/Scottish culture. I did say that meeting a Muslim woman wearing a hijab was a completely normal thing here and nobody would even comment on it and they certainly wouldn’t exclaim, wide-eyed in astonishment, that she was “really nice”.

Anyway. as my son said - at least now the next set of guests will seem SOOOO easy. Thanks for letting me vent.


There’s not so much of the anger and hatred up here, at least not so obvious. It’s there but very localised. I couldn’t imagine going to my local pub and hearing the stuff you do. I’ve always leaned towards Scottish independence, now I’m passionate about it. I don’t feel part of the UK any more and the idea that Boris could be PM, unelected, is too much.

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Contrary to what some might suggest, If ever there was a place for such, this is it! … misery loves company and enlightenment. Congrats on maintaining your calm and patience.

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Thank you :slight_smile: I think I did a reasonable job, all told. It was surprising to me that people suggested I cancel. This woman booked months ago for the trip of a lifetime. She carefully chose her hosts, as she told me, so that she would feel safe and comfortable. Never mind what kind of “host” would I be to throw her out, what kind of person would I be??

The funny thing is… and it’s happened to me before… there’s a weird psychological (?) thing that goes on when I have a difficult guest staying for a length of time. I stop cleaning as thoroughly as I normally would. It’s really weird. I suppose it’s the human equivalent of cats spraying their territory or something.

Ah, the wonderful life of hosting!