I got one of those 25% payouts

Oh yeah, how nice that is!! Now I can see that I will be getting some $. Not a ton but it helps. One of mine I won’t get anything for because he cancelled a few days before the policy took effect. it sucks because his reservation fell within that window too but I refunded him because he would have lost the money himself.

Hi @Barbara_Sullivan

It depends which country you are in. Can you apply for welfare benefits where you live?

In the UK we have universal credit and those registered as self-employed can get 80% of their income. However STRs here count as rental income so would not count as self-employment.

Did all of those $18k bookings qualify? Were they booked before March 14th with and were they cancelled by the guests citing Covid-19? Do you have strict booking on your property/ies? We got exactly 25% of what we should have been paid out (50% of $4400).

I looked at the chart on the cancelled reservations and it looks like I have a few more payouts coming. I got screwed though. One, the person cancelled a few days “too early” to qualify and I gave him his money back because I felt like it was the right thing to do. Another, I changed her rate so she could cancel at a more reasonable 50% if she needed to, but then she got a free cancellation and I ended up with 25% of the cheaper rate. What i’ve learned is, don’t go out of your way for anyone. it will work out, or it wont. I would definitely have over 1000 more if I had just sat back and let things play out - and the renters would have made out the same regardless. Doesn’t pay to be nice.

Ohhhhh ok :frowning: I know it seems ridiculous but hopefully once they have time they’ll backdate. It seems to be the same with airlines - at first they were only offering credits but now you can potentially get full refunds.

I am fuming. I chose moderate cancellation policy on Airbnb advice, well that backfired. It is so wrong that we get nothing back from this. All my cancellations were directly linked to covid 19 but because the guests cancelled earlier than a week before check in I’m entitled to nothing. I am suffering like everyone else, for the very same reason as everyone else but I have to just suck it up and suffer. Grrrrr it should be challenged

I don’t remember Airbnb recommending a cancellation policy? Regardless, I have always had strict because that works best for my STR business.

Just like I ignore Airbnb’s price recommendations, I ignore anything else they suggest that doesn’t work well for my business. @Akelly69

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We lost $5000 worth of bookings for March. Yesterday were given $23 by airbnb. Nice.

Be careful what you tell your guests, because Airbnb is being very crafty getting around what they pay. I had a guest request that I cancel (crafty guest) and I told them to contact Airbnb for a cancellation. ABB is now refusing a 25% payout saying I initiated the cancellation. Bull💩

To add to the :poop:, this guest booked less than a week before their check-in AND didn’t cancel until the day after their check-in would have been, so the reservation shouldn’t have been refunded at all. ABB gave them their entire amount back in error to start with.


That’s were you went wrong.

All of the sudden, the page with my reservations that cancelled says “pending”. There were amounts there just yesterday I believe. I wonder what’s going on?

Does anyone else have this happening?

I have that happening too! But I know that none of them qualify for the payout because they were all moderate cancellation policies that cancelled at least 2 weeks out. I’m guessing it doesn’t really mean anything. I hope it doesn’t, because I’d hate to think that they are wasting any time at all looking at reservations that clearly don’t qualify while some people are waiting on legit payouts.

As a member reported yesterday, the site was glitchy and there was no customer service. I don’t think they can have a 25% reduction in employees and not have tons of problems. They have tons of problems on a good day.

Yes, of course. What concerned me is that the note implies that they are going to look at my cancellations, which is so silly because they most definitely do not qualify. I know people are waiting for their 12.5% and it’s just a waste of time.

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Not to mention the influx of calls to the possibly nonexistent CS this kind of thing will create. I know I don’t qualify but some people will see this and think they might qualify :roll_eyes:

I have a strict policy so I received payment for all but 2 of my reservations. The two that didn’t qualify were cancelled (with my authorization) 1 & 2 days before the 3/14 policy was imposed. It amounted to about $200 that I lost out of but was offset by a guest who didn’t cancel until 4 days before scheduled arrival, which translated to 25% of full payout (rather than 25% of 50%).

In hindsight having all guests cancel within the 7 day window would have been the financially astute thing to do but we didn’t know then about the 25% payout policy.

But there have been hosts with flexible and moderate policies whose cancellations shouldn’t have qualified, who have reported on the CC that they have received the 25% refunds. So you might be surprised. Let’s hope if they are just glitching out, that they don’t try to claw back those funds from future reservations if they realize it was in error.

Mine should all qualify but I see “pending” for all of them. Annoying.

they sent me an email saying I would receive a 25% cancellation refund (on May first) but it has not arrived so far (may 23rd). then when you call them to ask about it they say they’ll get back to you. im in UK. ive rung four times already (and online ticket also many times) and no one has come back to me on it …

curious if you have a rough sense of the total % of your lost bookings it comes out to?

like if you got $50 and lost bookings of $1000 (5%)

No, because that would not be the percentage of lost bookings. @samsmummers

The percentage of lost bookings would how many people both cancelled and didn’t book as a result of the virus lock down.