How to address situation?

I repeat, on your own property in the woods or in your own garden is one thing, as a guest as someone’s house another.

C’mon. You know this has to be the worst justification ever for bad behavior. “Boys will be boys,” “it’s always been this way,” “it says in the Bible,” “he’s just a kid,” and so on.


Bottom line is I would not mention it in the review or private feedback. If that was the worst thing about the guest they are welcome back.


Agreed. I’d only mention it in private if it really bothered me and I wanted to try to convince him to stop.

In the big scheme of things it’s not a big deal to me. I’ve seen so many men peeing and spitting in public during my long life, it’s like it’s part of their DNA. Not the worst thing ever, I just wish they would quit.

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Now that is disgusting. Boot camp drilled that bad habit out of more than a few people. I remember seeing a guy spit a disgusting loogie on the grass and the CO made him pick it up and put it in his shirt pocket. I cannot stand public spitters, unlike public urinators who at least try and hide. Spitters hock one up and make a show of it. Gross.


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One of the grossest things I ever saw in public was a man in a supermarket who blew his nose loudly and vigorously into his bare hand. I heard him and turned to look and saw the nasty deed. He then pulled his hand away from his face, peered into his hand and then took a look around for where to dispose of his mucosal treasure. He spied a large cardboard easter egg dye display on the end cap and wiped his hand on the back of it. He then grabbed his cart and wheeled off, no doubt to touch as many pieces of produce as possible before choosing the ones he wanted.

When this has happened at my house I got the guest to leave a review 1st and then left my review so they couldn’t change theirs. Then I opened a case with a screen shot of the video and a color photo of the yellow spot with my iPhone. Airbnb supported my claim of having the front deck sanatized before the next guest arrives. I don’t expect guests to walk thru human waste, track it in my house, and think it’s ok. It’s not and I’ve recovered $150 every single time.


Apparently some boys are taught the early the thrill of peeing on a trees or in the bushes.

Story: Mom with two preschool boys shopping. Store has a plastic foliage filled window display. The passage door to the display is open.

You see this coming don’t you!!! Boys zip through the door, have a big pee on the plastic bushes in front the of the entire world. Mom realizes after a minute they’ve quietly slipped away. Looks for them, finds them in the display. Mortified mom drags boys out of store, I suspect a proper spanking occurred.

I hope the mom did NOT say, “wait until your father gets home” or there would be laughter and only a strong “talking to” between Dad’s snickers.


How else am I supposed to expand my territory?

But seriously, I advertise my backyard as pee-friendly and camera free

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It’s happened to you often?

what’s creepier… urinating on private property, or poring through every recorded minute of a camera feed spying on your guests, searching for some unknown slight? I’d say the latter… by a county mile.

So would I - and if I were a potential Airbnb guest it would definitely put me off to know that I was going to be spied upon. I’m not saying that people shouldn’t have cameras - I think they’re pretty much essential outside the entrance for remote hosts - but knowing that the host is going to see you if you scratch your bum or pick your nose…


In the case of Hidden Haven’s story there were multiple slights including firing guns on the property and bringing in multiple unknown guests. Another time a forest fire and possible destruction of the home was prevented by detecting a fire pit fire that hadn’t been properly extinguished and was already spreading to a nearby wooden chair.

Apparently you are unaware of the new technology in security cameras. One no longer has to pore through every recorded minute, there are motion sensors that have adjustable sensitivity that can be set.

There is nothing creepy about people protecting their private property outside where there is no expectation of privacy. If you must satisfy your primal urges do it away from the house where the cameras are.


The post didn’t mention firearms and unauthorized guests (real problems)

It mentioned pee-pee in the bushes (fake problem)

Since the dawn of time I am sure. That doesnt mean it’s appropriate in todays society, unless you own all of the land in sight around your home. There are better ways to save water. Women definitely dont want to see it. In paved areas it smells gross. Dont do it.
I am in a city, although I have a larger garden than average, in the highly unlikely event a guest peed in my garden I would ask them to leave. My bet is Airbnb would back me up.

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This one doesn’t but it did happen to Hidden Haven sorry that wasn’t clear. This post didn’t mention bushes, it mentioned pee here

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I think the gist of my point soaks through.

It certainly does. No surprises for me in this thread.

It might just be me, but I don’t think that the peeing is the issue here. To me (anyway) the issue is:

Which is really a bit of a non-issue to me. My own view is that there’s no point. There’s no point either in mentioning it in the private feedback. The bloke knows he peed, the chances are that he’s well aware that it’s not a particularly socially-acceptable thing to do in broad daylight in public. And he probably didn’t realise - or forgot - that there was a camera. So I don’t see the benefit to anyone in addressing it.

I really wouldn’t want guests to think that they are being scrutinised to such an extent. We have no idea what grossness goes on in our property behind our backs but if they’re paying and they don’t cause noise or excessive mess, that’s fine by me.

If a guest DELIBERATELY and openly peed in front of me then I’d probably call him a mucky bugger and tell him to get a bucket of soapy water to throw over the area. I’d also think he was weird but it takes all sorts…


Exactly, I can see the review now. Host has video cameras and it feels creepy


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Let’s talk about cameras…

I’m adding a Ring doorbell to my home & to my town house rental. I don’t want to spy. I want to know who’s checking in and provide an additional level of security.

This sounds strange but I’m considering adding one to the back door too. My townhome is a center unit.

The ring doorbell is motion activated and now comes in a battery powered model and does not require a separate base station. I think it is the most cost effective method of monitoring activity on my back patio which would include if someone was trying to gain access to the unit.

If someone pees on the back patio, unfortunately I will know it. I don’t care as long as it is in the grass. My dogs pee & poop in that yard (yes-I pick up the poop) often so what’s a little more urine.