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Thanks for all those articles. Interesting perspectives.
I’ve cancelled my “if you can’t take the heat, get out of AZ” summer trip, primarily because it was to multiple cities in Canada and DC area. Canada’s 14 day quarantine, several plane trips, and the multiple hotel stays were some of the reasons, as outlined in the articles you shared. I think my plans will be revised to road trips with more diligence / comfort in selecting the hotels I’d be staying at.
I may drive to North Dakota as it’s the only state I haven’t visited. Two friends from El Paso moved “back home” to care for an aging parent. They live in a small town and there’s nothing to do there but visit them! From there I might go see more friends. Or I may just have to stay here and try to make up for lost income. I will seriously consider sleeping in my SUV or carefully selecting some Airbnbs. No hotels for me.
Why so little discussion about the importance of eating and living healthy? A pandemic would be the BEST time to have a serious, national discussion about the ways people (especially in the US) can improve health, reduce obesity, and thus improve their immune systems to fight off any viruses, covid-19 included. Yet, doctors who’ve been raising such issues get ostracized for “fat shaming” . It’s science, not virtue signaling! Instead politicians focus solely on social control, not overall health. The number of nonsensical examples are too numerous to cite, but to name a few, liquor stores remain open but beaches and outdoor parks are closed. WTF? Smoking substances allowed, but jogging alone in the outdoors is discouraged. WTF? This is the result of politicians dictating policies, so many disconnects and so little discussion about health.
I encourage people who believe social distancing is akin to “idiotic restrictions” will support the likes of RyanAir, will crowd the Florida beaches, and follow the paths of now deceased Covid deniers.
I’ll align myself with the likes of SWA who is taking a different approach; I just received this email.
I agree that such discussions need to be had. In particular the heinous nature of meat eating needs to be discussed. Americans in particular consume way too much beef. It’s bad for the environment as well.
There also needs to be a discussion of our unhealthcare system.
However, once you get into choosing individual behaviors and characteristics it gets tricky and that’s the direction in which the eugenicist’s genocidal slippery slope lies. Already we see rhetoric like “they were sick anyway,” or “they were old,” and once we cull those members of the herd we move on to the obese, then smokers, then people who ride motorcycles, then people who don’t get annual physicals, then those who refuse vaccines, then…
Frankly, I read your post a few times, and I’m not sure how you go from a discussion about healthy eating, straight to eugenics and genocide. I’m sorry but I really don’t follow you.
Its about education.
Also, I disagree with your point about beef. Beef is not the problem, processed food and hormone laden beef is the problem. There is healthy beef and unhealthy beef, as there are healthy vegetables and unhealthy vegetables.
I stand by my original post, politicians are not talking AT ALL about overall health or the immune system, when in fact the virus attacks the immune system, and can be easily defeated by a strong immune system. Their sole focus is on social control, while making sure lots of liquor and lottery tickets are still being sold.
Well I’ll buy takeout when I go back to work but to sit down in a restaurant, no. To be honest this year is going to be camping. My tent, my utensils. Somewhere in a park or beach or whatever. When they open. But between hotels and Airbnb I trust more Airbnb. I think people clean better. What I’m going to miss the most are life shows, the theatre and concerts, going out with coworkers for a drink at the nearest bar. I guess I’ll have to entertain my friends at my house then
I didn’t do that at all. There are paragraphs and a “however.” It’s obvious that blaming sick people for their sickness because they are obese, or because they smoke or drink can lead to other forms of victim blaming.
These are not wild speculations on my part. We already have elected politicians saying things like “there are more things important than living.”
Also I meant to respond and ask where jogging alone in the outdoors was discouraged? There are so many different jurisdictions that it’s hard to keep track. Or did you mean that if parks and beaches are closed there is literally no where else outside where one can jog?
I didn’t say beef was the problem. Excessive consumption is the problem. The way the vast majority of cattle are raised so that we can eat too much of it is the problem.
So you want politicians to discuss health and the immune system while avoiding social control?
And why is that? One, tax revenue. They could try taxing unhealthy diet choices like NY did with taxing soda but you see where that went. Two, they are part of the bread and circuses of our time.
And again, I don’t disagree with you. Go to any poor neighborhood and you will see plenty of liquor stores selling lotto tickets and cigarettes and plenty of McDonald’s but try to find a market with affordable “healthy” (as opposed to unhealthy) fruits and vegetables.
Maintaining good health through adequate exercise and rest and good eating habits is certainly important in avoiding illness and recovering from illness.
However, there is only so much we can do to avoid the impact of COVID-19 until a vaccine is available. Even with a “strong” or uncompromised immune system (however you define that, whether it’s “clean” eating, that you are not under treatment for cancer, etc.), you can still die if you contract the disease. Its very randomness in intensity and mortality are frightening and make us want to believe that if I only do this or that, I will be protected, and that those “other” people who died from it must have been less healthy than me in some way. We call this “whistling past the graveyard” where I come from. There have been too many cases of healthy people dying from COVID-19, too many health care professionals reporting that they have never seen so many people so sick in their ICUs, for me to count on any sort of immunity.
As a side note, overreaction of the immune system (cytokene storm) was thought to be a factor in the high death rate of the 1918 flu pandemic, and has been implicated as a factor in the current pandemic:
If we compare, for instance, the number of people who died in the United States from COVID-19 in the second full week of April to the number of people who died from influenza during the worst week of the past seven flu seasons (as reported to the CDC), we find that the novel coronavirus killed between 9.5 and 44 times more people than seasonal flu. In other words, the coronavirus is not anything like the flu: It is much, much worse.
(Someone may be wondering what this has to do with Airbnb hosting. As I have said many times over the years, Airbnb is risky. Warning! Don't depend on Airbnb!. Anyone who sticks their head in the sand and ignores 85% of the doctors and scientists has a good chance of being disappointed in the coming year. If you keep relying on bad information from unreliable sources you are squandering your opportuniy to be better prepared for the future.)
@host3333 since the beginning of the pandemic I started to read “how not to die” a fascinating book about healthy eating and I now I tend to eat mostly plants. Very little meat. Everything organic, no or very little sugar. And I cook every meal from scratch. The info out there so everyone can educate themselves and do what’s the best for them. There are tons of recipes and videos out there and I love Ina Garten and Jamie Olivier. Ina’s cocktails are delicious also.
“Good " to hear from you Helsi. What else is new? You still don’t like me?
Since I left things became even more rougher around here . So now we can use words like f…k and call people vulgar names . How about it’s all about being politically correct and polite to each other ? This is at least what I was told when I called someone a " princess " . So now it’s ok to call someone " ass”? I see what is allowed to king not allowed to servant …
And you have done it many more times than me . You insulted peopls here on regular basis . Go back and read if you forgot
@Yana I don’t have feelings about you one way or the other.
Why would I? You are just one of a wide number of people that are on a forum I am a member of.
Was just pointing out your hypocrisy in complaining about others when you have behaved in a similar way when you were a moderator and also now as a standard member.
Lol look who is talking . You don’t remember? You are a standard member too. After your lies and attacks you were removed very fast. You didn’t last long . I don’t know why you are so hostile to me and few others . Obviously you care to be hostile .
Ok I am.hypocrite according to you but I never used profanities and the worst I called someone is a princess. So it ok to use profanities on this forum . Or it’s ok for some people but not other?
I never ever removed any comments. Ever! You just saying things because you like saying mean things . This is just how you are. I though you were a moderator …then my mistake
I suspended you because you were taking appart many peoples posts . You actually did a search on these people and then posted results of your search with many details and were humiliating people by this. Not mentioning the fact that your " reaserches" were wrong.
You were one of 2 people I suspended for years I was moderator . You harrased other people …people complained to me…you were creating war here …that’s why I suspended you .