Would you be just as carful with a “normal” flu?
Would you isolate your (grand) parents and never visit them during normal flu season?
This we agree on.
I don’t know which projections you are basing your comments on. In some places the reality was much worse than the projections. If you are one of those who listen to the POTUS, none of his projections came true; they were all too low.
What people in the US aren’t understanding is how deadly it is. The numbers have been underreported and undercounted. There is a tremendous amount of documentation about this so no need for me to do the research for anyone reading.
What I have said since mid March is that the true way to count is to count “excess mortality.” In the US about 2.8 million people died in 2017 and 2018. I have stated multiple times that I expect the numbers for 2019-2021 to be more like 3.2 million. I have also said that I expect Covid to kill more people than the US Civil war. That was 620,000 over 4 years. Covid will be that in under 3.
If Americans enthusiastically follow scientific advice on remaining safe then these numbers could be lower. I just don’t expect them to.
I understand full well that some people will try to explain away the excess mortality numbers for partisan and perverse reasons. However, there really are a number of variables to be considered. This article is a thoughtful critique of the recent New York Times article on excess mortality.
This is the kind of thinking that really depresses me. I try to imagine a policy making meeting where elected officials say things like this. It’s like in war when they discuss acceptable losses or collateral damage.
Almost all people have prior diseases for god’s sake. What’s the next step, march them all out to pits dug in the forest and shoot them?
Social isolation is worse than sickness and death? Give me a f***** break, what kind of wimpy ass whining is that?
And I agree with Xena that poverty is a problem that shouldn’t be solved by forcing people to work during a pandemic.
What is Potus? I listen to our government DeSantis and medical doctors on national TV .
The President of The United States.
The chief Medical Examiner of Florida says that De Santis has ordered them not to report COVID deaths. They are fudging the numbers.
As you said “Don’t believe everything they tell you”.
Death rate from influenza in the US is about 1%. Death rate of resolved cases of COVID, meaning either recovered or died, is currently at 19% worldwide, and about 5.6% in the US.
Canada’s Chief Medical Officer has said that large events won’t even be allowed in Canada for a long time to come.
New york Medical examiner said that he was made to inflate Corona virus cases by classifiying everything as Corona virus even if it was car accidents . As I said: don’t believe everything you hear.
And as I said it’s not the reason to run and sell your houses because of predictions that never came true . Just give it much more time and don’t let anyone scare you
I quoted that survey because it was fairly recent. It’s just one part of the picture. I’ve noticed that there is a lot of talk about “re-opening” but what is being neglected is the reaction of the public. For example Yana said
Ryanair may not get to decide this, the governments of both Ireland and the nations to which they fly will decide. But let’s say that magically all restrictions were removed by all governments on flights and on arriving passengers. Would Ryanair still be able to fill their flights? How many flights would they have to cut? How many routes? How many airlines will go out of business if 40% of the flying public either refuses or can’t afford the luxury?
So I’m guessing the same folks who won’t attend a large event will also be unwilling to get on a plane, train, or ship. They won’t be willing to go to a crowded club, restaurant, theater, casino, festival, etc. And for that portion of the population that does go, there will outbreaks among them and then we start over? That we don’t know.
I’d love for Trump and DeSantis to be right and Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci to be wrong but just typing that makes me LOL.
Let’s see who will laugh last:)
Yeah, let’s do that. It’s not really going to be funny though seeing thousands more innocent people die.
Moderators??? Are we allowed to verbally abuse members?
I mentioned Canada saying that large scale events likely won’t be permitted for quite awhile, maybe until there is a vaccine or cases plummet significantly, by way of pointing out the difference in the way Canada and the US has been handling the pandemic. In the US, you said they did a survey as whether people would attend large events, In Canada, they simply won’t permit large events to take place. Both the federal and provincial govts of Canada have seemed really pro-active in trying to stop the virus spread. This is also reflected in the stats.
Toronto: Population 6,198,000. COVID cases recorded to date: 5,551. Deaths, 366.
NYC: Population 19, 450,000. COIVID cases recorded to date:167, 000. Deaths, 12,976
So NYC has just over 3 times the population of Toronto, but 30 times more cases. The death rates are close, but NYC is .77 and Toronto is .65
This has been horrible for performing arts organizations since they depend on admission income. Our local symphony, opera company, spring Jazz and Classics festival, folk festival, and theatre are all hurting. A statewide foundation that already provides many arts grants has already awarded special grants, but without performances there is no income.
Well, they died 60 and 40 years ago. But if they had my age (73) and medical history, yes. I have no relatives in town, and I’m not having visitors until we have 3 weeks without any cases here. You can only get here by plane or boat, and we’re happy that we have a strict 14 day quarantine for anyone arriving here.
I’m glad you said it for me.
Almost all people have underlying conditions? Hehehe…In my surrounding only one of my friends has underlying condition. The rest are healthy young or not so young adults.
This is not even true except that mostly things have been worse than projected.
It’s very much true.
Why are you cursing and name calling people? Because you are a moderator? This is not nice! Let’s not forget this is a public forum !
That’s true but I for example, won’t be attending one of these until we have a vaccine. I won’t set foot in a restaurant either. As for vacation I don’t know, maybe camping in wild places. At least this year.
A new poll says most Americans are unwilling to do a wide range of things once they “re-open.” Only 30% would stay in a hotel, what we don’t know is it that is a good or bad omen.
And even Americans who are willing to resume daily life, that will change if the reopening leads to new surges in cases as illustrated by this story from my state of Texas.
Here’s some speculation on how tourism might change.
Here’s a snapshot of “back to normal” in China.