Home share or investment home?

Just wondering how many hosts actually share their home verses those who have investment properties they list on Airbnb. Asking hosts to respond here with the following information: How many listings do you have and how many of those listings do you live on the property. For us, we have one listing, and we live on the property. To be clear, this is just for my own personal curiosity as I suspect the hosting landscape has changed over the last few years.

Why? Are you simply being inquisitive or are you preparing to sell us something?




Fair question! I’m just being inquisitive.

Home share host. One private room/bath listing.

Any answers you get here won’t be indicative of the entire Airbnb population. Also there are hosts here from all over the world. So I can’t see why you’d ask here? I imagine that there are places on the internet with that sort of information.

I have one listing and I live here. It’s not home share as the space is separate but attached to my home.

I agree.

Agree. You will do better by just doing your own research on google. I don’t think I have to go out on a limb to say that the active members of this forum are not typical “investors” or “property manager” types. Not that there aren’t any, but they are not the norm here.

In multiple directions. 2017-2019 saw a huge increase in investors and mega property managers, but 2020 changed the game all a round.

I have 1 listing and live on the property. The government laws only allows 90 days max per year and I try to use all the days and be done with it for a year.

You can see stats on AirDNA, at an aggregate level without subscribing, for various metro areas around the globe.

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My husband and I homeshare. We have two guest bedrooms and baths, listed separately. We can add an additional bedroom to one of the others, with the bath shared.

4 entire homes converted from long term to short term.
No sharing in my home…I am not a morning person!
Also the long term tax obligation changes when you are earning money from the house where you live.

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Home share with one bedroom/private bath. Looking forward to a post-covid world to be able to have str guests again, currently renting long-term to a medical worker but rarely see him. I miss evenings over tea with guests,

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I’m definitely not a morning person. But home-sharing doesn’t pose any problem for me in that regard. My guests are usually up way before me and are quiet. I grind the coffee for them the night before, so it doesn’t wake me up.

And if necessary, earplugs are my best friend.

Short Term Rental on Maui

I’m a first time buyer, longtime dreamer of a property on Maui and am looking to purchase a STR – either South Kihei or Napili area. And am looking for some basic advice to help make the decision – any analytics tools/softwares, metrics I should keep in mind, and any other dos & don’ts. Below are a few details about my plans:

  • I planon self-managing for higher returns
  • I’ve looked into some free analysis by AIRDNA (CAP seems to range from ~5-7%)
  • 1Bed/1-2Bath

Couple of questions I have are cost vs return on value…

  • ocean view vs across the street from the beach vs parking lot view :frowning:
  • ground floor vs not vs top/penthouse (4 vs 6 vs 12)
  • misc like ac, in-unit laundry, complex gym, etc… vs not

And tips on anything else would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

We are one home. We use one bedroom and guests use the other two bedrooms. We closed last March 2020 because of COVID and haven’t reopened yet.

I take your point that you don’t share your own home for personal reasons. We do share our own home and there are pluses and minuses on the tax side of things.

I’m thinking that you’re referring to the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on sale of your home, which normally wouldn’t attract CGT. We did the following:

  1. We’ve been in the house for 35 years and over that time there has been a significant capital gain as you would expect. So, before starting with Air we had a valuation done which apparently protects the CGT free status up to when we started getting revenue from guests

  2. This means that only capital gains from 2017 forward will be subject to CGT when the property is sold and then, of course, only to the extent of usage of the actual space used by guests and occupancy.

  3. What we were pleasantly surprised about is the fact that for income tax purposes, according to our accountant, because guests used over 50% of the house including shared spaces, we were able to claim deductions of 50% of our house expenditure including mortgage interest, pool supplies etc.

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I understand Hawaii has some serious licences that need to be applied for and they are expensive and very difficult to get. Have you looked into this?

Yes. I’m only looking into units in a resort-coded zoned area.

Johnny, you may want to check if you’re off the hook for capital gains tax based on the following from IRS publication 523, below, if provisions don’t change since last published for 2019. (Apologies for length of quote):

"The following situations of business or rental usage don’t affect your gain or loss calculations.
– Space within the living area. If the space you used for business or rental purposes was within the living area of the home, then your usage doesn’t affect your gain or loss calculations. Examples of spaces within the living area include a rented spare bedroom and attic space used as a home office. In contrast, business or rental spaces not within the living area affect your gain/loss calculations. Examples of space not within the living area include a first-floor storefront with an attached residence; a rented apartment in a duplex; or a working farm with a farmhouse on the property.
– Space formerly used for business or rental. Space that was once used for business or rental purposes may be considered as residence space at the time of sale. A space formerly used for business is considered residence space if ALL of the following are true.
You weren’t using the space for business or rental at the time you sold the property
You didn’t earn any business or rental income from the space in the year you sold your home, and
You used the space as residence space for 2 years out of the 5 years leading up to the sale

If your space is considered as residence space at the time of the sale, then your former business usage DOESN’T affect your gain/loss calculations, unless you took or were allowed to take depreciation for use of your home for business or rental purposes. See Worksheet 2, line 5, below.

Business or rental usage calculations.

If you have used part of the home (not within the home’s living area) for solely business or rental purposes for more than 3 of the last 5 years, you need to make separate gain/loss calculations for the business and residence portions of your property."

I believe Johnny is in Australia.


Oops, sorry mate!
I was being US-centric again.