HOA bans short term renting Poconos

I have a vacation home in Henryville, PA which I was renting on Airbnb when not in use. We received a letter from our Community Association (HOA) that we are in violation of their Bylaws and short term renting is banned and I must take down my listing immediately.
Are there any other Henryville, PA hosts here?
If so, were you aware? affected? Any advice or recommendations is welcome.

If you are operating in violation of the HOA bylaws, you need to follow the rules you agreed upon when you bought your home. Then, advocate for change.


Welcome to the club. I live in the Phoenix, AZ area, but I got a similar letter 3 weeks ago. I unlisted the same day. I am allowed to rent for 30 days or longer and that’s the direction I will go once the prices and eviction risks that came out of the COVID-19 crisis are more reasonable.

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Ive had the property for just 2 years now and i was not aware of this rule, so it came by surprise.

Run for HOA board and get the rules changed.

Did you buy it with the express intent to STR it?


Why did you not know this? Respectfully, did you not read the HOA rules and take that into consideration on your purchase?


I’m in an HOA and by reading the CC&R’s, I knew that I could not do STR’s. But it says I can rent out my home LTR for greater than 30 days. But I cannot live here…Shrugs…Keeping my head low on that one.