Heads up - new amenities on your listing

I also like to hang them on the line for about an hour - post-dryer - to get that lovely air-dried smell. That also means no wrinkles.

But I’m in Florida where we have the weather for it.

Same with our campsites - AC, internet, WiFi, TV … Constantly pestered about these.

I thought it was vodka? :wink:


because microfibre sheets are basically plastic. I’m about to switch to organic cotton sheets as we gear up for summer season, and I’ll be mentioning that in my listing, for sure.
I hear you about the washability of microfibre sheets though! Same for doona covers, but i’ll be switching all those over too.

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Vodka is for anything with smells. It’s what we use for costumes in the theatre that reek of body odor after a performance, the ones that can’t be washed.

edit for typo


Wow, I had no idea. I’m definitely going to look for alternatives when I refresh my linen next spring.

Head’s up for accessible spaces. Just got a message Airbnb is updating accessibility feature requirements. My listing indicates that some of my photos are “in review.”

“On November 8th, any feature flagged as “in review” or “new photos needed” will be hidden from your public listing page until we’ve finished reviewing your photos for that feature.”

So, if they don’t get around to reviewing my photos by November 8th, I’m SOL on the 5 features in the subcategory Guest Entrance and Parking they are “reviewing.” Bother. Also it’s apparent from their description they’ll want some new photos showing tape measures.

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This attitude from Airbnb drives me insane.
They don’t tell a host when things change, we find out by being linked in with other hosts.
Yet they arbitrarily suspend photos in a listing for……?
It’s MY business!


Jeez. Thank goodness we don’t list any. With a msg like that, we would assume the worst, and we will see a repeat of automated Suspend Listing crap they did for “wedding party” last year.
Please don’t put your faith in these idiots. `It is a better bet that they would hide or suspend a listing than hide any amenities or features and keep the rest active.
Please consider removing Accessibility features to protect yourself, and record the contact info for all bookings off platform.

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Oh, man. I’m super torn. My nephew is a quadriplegic. Broke his neck as a senior in HS after diving off a bridge. Amazing young man (is married & has a huge YouTube following). It is important when he travels that if someone says something is accessible that it really is. Or to be able to be sure his particular chair will fit through a space.

I used to think of accessibility more around elderly people (walkers, grab bars, few/no stairs) but life has taught us differently. I am not accessible in a way he would need so I didn’t even begin to mark anything other than “grab bar” and “hand held shower head” (or whatever they call it).

If a host is able and willing to open their doors to people with these needs & they advertise their ability to do so by marking those amenities, then it is important they are accurate. I know it’s a pain and bless those who can and do provide in this area.

You know how it is, once it becomes personal you see it a little differently.


Your story is endearing in every way imaginable. What would be truly personal is for Air to potentially suspend or hide a listing with this latest thing.
At least for the short-term, until sometime after Nov 8th, given Air’s penchant for incredibly capricious behavior it would be prudent to be safe, and re-instate features in a mere week or so if such fears are proven unfounded.

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We’re at four and a half years now with the IKEA cotton sheets, mattress and pillow protectors and pillowcases. I’m sure the odd one or two items have fallen by the wayside over that time but bulk are still in daily use.

When I think about it, some of the most aggressive staining has come from the fecking storks that often fly over our washing lines on the roof terraces; sod the Oxy Clean, their shit is so acidic and gooey that I’ve had to resort to using WD40 on the marks!



WD40?!?? That’s a new one. Although we have a similar issue with herons here crapping on the cars and ruining the paintwork.

I’m also in the 100% cotton bed-linen camp and our sheets so far are just improving with age :slight_smile:


Its hard to change the accessibility limitations right now. All hosts are busy measuring and or deleting any mention of.

I have yet to use this tool to check Wifi. It better be equivalent to what I’m paying for. So AirBnB or Comcast… better get their gig together quick;)

Next we all need 3d printers to replicate the clients furnishings so they feel at home…

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Well pretty soon no one will have to travel anywhere- they can just have a virtual vacation and furnish their accommodation however they please, if we’re to follow the vision of Zuckerberg’s “metaverse”. :crazy_face:


Lol! If I get to my vacation rental “getaway” and it feels like home, I’m out of there!


thanks this is a good tip. We have a very old home and of course it’s not built with “accessibility” in mind, even my flat single level house has different levels throughout the home.

Good to know.

Good to know. Do we spray it directly on textile?