Guests who act disinterested in the tour, rush you, and cut you off

Of course, you az and all the ladies on this forum can use a hair dryer! :rolling_eyes:


Mearns - have you seen previews of the next season of Survivor? Millenials versus Gen X?

I haven’t watched that show in ages, but I might record the season.

I will make a note of it, I would like to understand more were they are coming from. My impression thus far: I sincerely like Generation X, I am staying well away from the Millennials, because of their actual behavior, thus far they are 3/3 as the worst unconscious and unlikable guests I have had out of close to 150; though important to note they all have come as a group.

This recent Millennial group were collectively as shallow as they come, all young ‘professionals’, full of self importance, devoid of consciousness beyond themselves, including the natural world. I just looked at my next 50 bookings, I see only one potential problematic booking next year, and I will take a new approach with them; since I get the impression they avoid leadership at all costs, not to offend anyone within the group. I will hold one responsible for the group, the one that booked it, whether they like the role or not.


Great, I definitely gravitate to the booker when I do my tour. Usually the rest are not taking that much notice but I often drop the line “can you please be sure everyone is aware of…”
It’s like dealing with pre schoolers sometimes!


Yes, yes - I have done the same recently. “I am going to ask you to make sure that the whole group listens to the entire spiel.” OR “I am going to rely on you to relay any information during the tour, to the rest of the group when they arrive.”


@cabin: One time, I asked the one that booked, “Please remind them of ‘something’”, he said “We don’t tell each other what to do.” I thought he wanted to follow that with a most condescending speech with the opening statement being - “We are the epitome of Political Correctness, its a New Social Order”. In my dream scenario, I would then have loved to fire back - “Ok, you spineless wimps, come here and listen up!” (reverting to my Vietnam platoon leader days). It’s so much fun to make believe.

/morning all


It should be interesting. I looked at the cast:

Gen X ages:

33 - Model (He is really a Millenial in my book)
37 - Recruiting Director
37 - Assistant District Attorney
38 - Trial attorney
39 - Insurance Adjuster
42 - Police Sargeant
42 - Television writer
42 - Dietician
45 - Youth Pastor
52 - Boat Mechanic


18 - High School Student
23 - Bartender
24 - Barista
24 - Snowboard instructor
25 - Vacation Club Sales
25 - Homeless shelter manager
27 - Realtor
28 - Missionary Recruiter
28 - Asset Manager
31 - Pro Gamer

It premieres this Wednesday at 8/7 C.

Lately, I have taken to doing the darn tour even when I know that my guests are exhausted. I hate doing this… but I don’t actually know when they might re-emerge after sleeping, napping, showering, etc. I already organize my time to be in “host mode” upon their arrival and can’t stomach doing it again. How many of you know after traveling for 14 hrs when you will be alert again? And so, I push through with the details, always stating that I fully understand that this is a lot of new information, and they are most welcome to ask for clarification when they are more settled.

This balance seems to be working well for both sides.

Fascinating list @cabinhost . The 52-year old ‘Boat Mechanic’ and the 31-year old ‘Pro Gamer’ caught my eye. This program promises to be interesting, there is a world of difference between the two groups.

/Wednesday 8/7C. Got it.

Ooo, I like your ‘spineless wimps’ comment! Reminds me of another famous one in a movie: The only things that come from Texas are steers and queers and you don’t look like a steer to me".

I luv snappy retorts!

Tooooooo funny! I know the type! They talk with vocal fry and generally grate on my last nerve. :o

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J the type that never lower their vision lower then above your head, as if getting their signals from a higher being.


Well my sons are millenials and I daresay, they are polite, interesting, well educated and nice. I am sure if they rented an Air bnb they would follow all guidelines and rules and be perfect and respectful. So you cannot generalize about 20 somethings.

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Thanks @Mearns! Not bc I need to look amazing for all the fish, but my hair gets a bit unruly if not dried! I promise to leave my curling iron at home :kissing_heart:

That is the sexy, island look. All the rage in Belize.


How did you possibly respond to such rudeness & ignorance calmly. Did he not make a booking & contract on behalf of the group agreeing to all the rules? How did he do that without telling his completely independent, free thinking friends what to do? I’d love it if one of his friends damaged something expensive and you of course dinged him the $ through ABB and when he asked his mate for the $, he got the response “don’t tell me what to do” lol

@Emily. To me, anger clouds one’s judgement, so I try to stay cool. When I meet such situations, I am actually thankful because I am encountering an opportunity to learn something; it took me a nano-second to recall how many groups acted the same way, so this was a glimpse to Millennium group mentality, and actually somewhat to other groups as well.

1- More immediately, I told him, you did the booking, your responsibility.
2- I changed my ‘waiver of liability’, which now makes it explicit who is indeed speaking for the group, who booked, who is signing it.
3- I was also reminded, that group behavior is different than individual behavior.
4- I am printing now ‘Guidelines’, and posting them on the premise.
5- I have an inventory room in the island, it will now be a locked.
6- I changed my entire cost structure with extra guests as a direct result: I now have the new 25% extra-guest rule, and most of my future guests have NOT added extra guests yet, so that was most fortunate. This experience made me realize the old price structure concerning added guests was encouraging a ‘group’ to form and suffering its consequences at little compensation.
7- I will exercise more caution with groups (specially Millenniums); a couple is one thing, a group is another animal all together.
8. I reread “Lords Of the Flies”, which been meaning to for ages.


Yay you :clap::clap:, but with being booked up 1.5 years in advance it will be a while before you benefit from those extra people $'s.

I’ve definitely had this happen to me. I like to think they are either A. in a rush or B. just rude.
I just speed it up and go over the important stuff.

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The extra-person charge is picked up at the new settings in Airbnb when they go to add more. :wink: