Guests from China in view of the coronavirus?

Where are you located?

@saintmartin I’m in Seattle, WA

Oh, right. Sorry to hear of the impact on your area. I just received a party of five from South Korea, not sick, not restricted as they are from Seoul and not from farther south area. Just when we get the China tariffs behind us, this happens. Perilous world when anything that happens even thousands of miles away can have a negative impact.

All the best to you, Anthony

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I just had guests from China depart after a two month stay. One issue that I ran into was that one of the guests wanted to stay longer than I could accommodate because he was afraid to go back to China. I also ran into some local phobia because I posted a FB picture of the wonderful Chinese New Years party that we had with our guests. I was planning to visit a friend in a nursing home and his sister said that she was worried because I had people from China at my house. Realistically I think that all hosts need to anticipate a little decline in bookings due to travel fears, cancelled flights, unexpected quarantines, etc. Optimistically perhaps there will be more local travel in the US with people hesitant to travel through foreign airports.

Like Arlene, I also host in Seattle. I am closed now for a bathroom remodel. I still plan to reopen when it’s finished but think it won’t be very busy. Air is letting guests cancel under EC.

I took a short trip this past weekend, still plan to attend our local comic convention in two weeks, and have two trips to California planned in the coming months.

We’ve now had the first two deaths in the nation, and the virus is believed to have been spreading here for the last six weeks. Several schools are closed today, and parents are pulling their kids out of schools that aren’t closed. However, we (Washingtonians and Seattleites) aren’t being discriminated against based on our geographical region. Maybe we aren’t making the national news. More likely, unfortunately, I think some of the anxiety around the virus is tied to racism.

In general, Hong Kongers, Singaporeans and Taiwanese are careful. Very few people don’t wear face masks in inddor or outdoor public areas. And very few people don’t have a small bottle of hand sanitizer handy when they go out.

Shouldn’t forget remote controls.

I don’t have any myself in the guest space, but yes, that’s really important. They can harbor tons of nasties. More so than the average toilet seat.
Also, nothing to do with an Airbnb, but if you live somewhere where gasoline is self-serve, gas pump handles are full of germs.