Guest using my address for car insurance and other rule-breaking

I have a guest coming in June for 2 months. In my rules which he acknowledged that he read and agreed to, I state that guests are not allowed to use my address for mail. He sent a message several days ago stating that his car insurance company had asked for my address so they know where the vehicle will be for the summer, and he gave them my address. I’m rather annoyed that he did this since he agreed not to use my address (although maybe he thought it would be ok since he’s not using it for a mailing address), and anyway, the car won’t be at my address since I don’t offer driveway or garage parking. I’m sure he thought it was a harmless thing to do and a requirement of the car insurance, but could this action affect me in any way other than potentially getting mail for him now?

He’s also traveling with two family members for a few days and they will be staying somewhere else, but I have a feeling he’ll bring them into my house (another rule I have is no unregistered guests allowed on the property at any time). I don’t ever complain if someone brings their family to help them unload their stuff, but I feel like I should set the ground rules when he comes in (or even before) to make sure he really understands the rules and doesn’t try to bend them. I don’t want to sound unreasonable by saying he can’t get help bringing in his bags or show his family where he’s staying or follow his insurance company’s rules, but this just worries me that this will be the start of a long summer of misunderstandings or attempts at rule-breaking. What do you think? How can I ensure my rules are honored and still keep a positive tone with this guest?

Too long a stay for me, I like short stays. If I do not like my guest or they are a PITA it does not matter because they are leaving on Sunday!

I would cancel due to him already breaking your rules.



Is this a summer intern? I assume so based on your other posts. In the case of a well vetted summer intern I wouldn’t be too concerned about squatters and other issues with address use. However, the small warning signs are there.

So I’d just have a conversation with him. “Hey, intern, I just want to make sure there is no misunderstanding given that you’ve used my address despite being asked not to. I want to reiterate that your family members and other unregistered guests aren’t allowed on the property. I’m sure you’ll make friends while here but you’ll have to socialize elsewhere. I want to make sure my property is a good fit for you because it would be really inconvenient for both of us if you had to find other housing mid-stay.”


Sorry to disagree, but it doesn’t appear that he actually broke your rules and you admit it yourself. Your rules say “for mail” and he gave the address to the insurance company so they know where the vehicle will be. If you feel this was a violation, then you need to re-write your rules to say that guests can’t use your address for any purpose. This is a lesson for you. Please don’t take it out on him.

Definitely remind him that friends and family are not allowed on the property and should wait in the car, etc. But, if the guest is in his early 20’s and the family happen to be his parents, you might consider inviting them in once so they they can see where their child is staying.


Thank you Brian. This is why I asked the question, because my rules specifically say no mail or packages. I have updated my rules for the future, but had never expected that someone would modify their insurance for a short time away from their home…to me that’s what you’d do if you’re moving somewhere permanently.

This is a college student coming out with a sibling and parent. I will think about how to handle this but don’t really have a problem with family coming in for a few minutes to see his room. I just don’t want to set a precedent that “oh, it’s just a few minutes so it must be ok to bring my friend in.” I like @KKC’s response regarding guests.


I think @KKC’s approach is correct BUT it seems a little harsh (to me) to do upon his arrival. I”d take a slightly different approach that is documented -> I’d formulate a nice summary of your house rules and then email or message him with it, under the premise that you just want to ensure that you both get off to a good start. Include other helpful information about what his room and bathroom consists of so he knows what he might need to pack and/or purchase (TP, Sheets, cleaning supplies, etc).

You might begin by saying something like “renting a room in someone’s home is different than having one’s own apartment or being in a dorm”. …

I’d make it strong but friendly. And conclude with “if you have any questions, issues, concerns with what is herein, please advise as soon as possible.” This way you have put him on formal notice with documentation but done so in a constructive manner.

As for the insurance concern, I’d need more information before I got rattled about that. It could be that his auto insurance is dependent on where he is residing … whether you offer parking or not, I assume his car will be on the street nearby … even more reason for he updating the insurance company because his car is at even more risk.

Good luck … Hope it all works out.

PS. My guess is his mother will be more of a problem than your guest.


Thank you for the great detailed response, @HH_AZ. I already am very clear about my rules in the listing but like your idea of reiterating as well as defining what it means to be a home-share. It is his first time as an AirBnB user so may take some coaching.

And you are spot on about the parent potentially being more trouble…the message about the insurance actually came from the parent who sent me an inquiry message just to ask for my address for insurance. I’ll have to make it clear that all my communications are with the son who is my client.


The parent couldn’t get it from the kid? Ugh. Now I’m thinking River Rock was right. Cancel while you have the chance. LOL.


Same, I have a 7 day MAX and most of my stays are 3 days.

Why my max stay is 7 days, minimum stay is 2.

I can’t imagine my insurance company would give two craps if my car was somewhere else for 2 months… and at the absolute minimum, you will get his mail from the insurance company.

@MissSwan Well, then the mail is going back in the mailbox and being marked as not at this address.

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Actually, some companies do. Their rates are based on your home address, commute, etc. Any vehicle owner that temporarily relocates to another city/state would be wise to tell their insurance company about it, especially if it’s for work.


Sounds like the folks called in for the insurance and found out they needed an address.

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Yes, I would expect that. I would also expect that a host allowing stays of multiple months would allow a guest to get mail/packages. Not doing so seems overly restrictive in the economy of Amazon, etc.


It may sound restrictive but it helps them gain residency… and eventually tenant rights. Not allowing mail etc is just a step to help prevent that. Guests can always get a PO box


Can you share some link or something on this? Nothing I can find says this is true with respect to tenants rights, and it doesn’t really make sense, since tenants rights typically take 30 days and residency typically takes 12 months (but not necessarily at the same address).

Seriously? The OP’s guest is staying for longer than 30 days (so tenancy can be an issue) and it certainly doesn’t take 12 months fornreaidency unless perhaps from someone not from the same country. Having a big bill like an insurance bill to present to “prove” an address would go far. Registering kids for preschool I just needed to show a bill (utility or other) with the address.

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Just saying: whilst now everybody has the mom tagged as a problem, she is probably also footing the bill of the stay.

I realize that so many things are so much easier here in Costa Rica, but I would never be so unwelcoming as to refuse entry to immediate family. But then again, my roots for hosting come via couchsurfing and hospitality club, the latter now defunct.