Guest not feeling comfortable, when asked what I can do to make them feel comfortable, they say nothing. ( ? )

:boom: Thank you :revolving_hearts: @dpfromva you are super. :stars:

This could be your side consulting gig! I really appreciate you taking the time to boil it down to the bare points.


I love this review. It sounds professional, while clearly making the guest sound like an idiot. Bravo!!


I’ve been really busy this week as I welcomed a new guest and had to get my space ready.

I am posting my prior guests review as you all have taken me through this experience with so much love and understanding and I wanted you to have as much closure as I have.

Again thank you!!!

Guest’s Review
““Carol-Anne is a very polite host, and if looking for a clean crash pad for a few nights then this space would suffice. To experience relaxation, my parents found it however to be lacking for their holiday. The space is quite dark and outdated and needs a revamp to allow guests to relax in comfort. With no natural light , it is not an ideal space to spend an extended period, my parents also found the bed and shower too cramped and not at all comfortable for two adults .We agreed to disagree on the opinion of it being a basement apartment and also found the garden to be on the disappointment side.This being the case my parents opted to leave on their 5th day before their 11night reservation was up. While other reviews praise the space, everyone’s preference is different and this was definitely not the standard that we are accustomed to and unfortunately would not return to this apartment.””

Thanks for updating us. It’s unfortunate that you had to suffer due to the daughter’s incompetence but soon enough that review will scroll off the page and be a distant memory.

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That’s what I think too. I was going to respond to their review, but I’ll wait and re read it again to see if responding even makes sense

I wouldn’t respond…


No awareness of NY context.

Firstly factually inaccurate, not NO light (would be illegal), perhaps less light than upper floors but this is disclosed. I do wonder if review can be removed by Airbnb?

Presumably standard sizes and bed size disclosed.

Outside space at all is a bonus.

Thank God they won’t be returning. This is a totally unfair review and ridiculous in the context of the price. The daft parents were obviously comparing the apartment to the suburbs or somewhere at 4 times the price. If it has to stay, may it be hidden by new reviews asap. I hope your review of the daughter will make hosts cautious.


What stars did this guest leave?

I have never been able to see specific guests star reviews. Only my over all stars. Is there a place to see this?

I agree the review very unfair. And I am being asked to be responsible for how someone relaxes? My place was not listed as luxury not high end. All of the things the guest spoke about are either in the description or in the photos. And as you said no context for NYC.
My house is over 125 years old! And as you said the bed Is a standard full size and the shower is a standard stall.
I think they were trying to scam us and it did not work. Thank goodness they are behind me.

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Progress > Ratings > Scroll down

But apparently they have different sites depending on where you are.

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It’s totally ridiculous one of their main complaints was not being able to see the TV from the second sofa. If I were in NY television would be the last thing on my mind, so much to see and explore.


I’m in NYC @GutHend . What I see is just the review under the guests name and to see my stars, I have to look at my listing in preview to see the stars as a group according to location, cleanliness etc.
If anyone knows of a way to see the exact stars a guest leaves please let me know, thanks

@Jess1 I have travelled all over the world and the only tv I think I’ve seen is French tv because I lived there for a year and wanted to learn the language faster.

It boggles my mind that one, especially since they could get up and move to the more comfortable black sofa. Even open it out, as it’s a bed as well. :woman_shrugging:t5:

@crycepaul, See below; as @GutHend said, click on PROGRESS, then scroll down;

After scrolling down, you see this (on a PC):


Thank you!!! I found it.

My guest brought my 4.6 star rating to a 3.5. It’s so ridiculous. They dinged me on accuracy and value. They paid 100/night in NYC with an additional discount for booking for more than a week!!

Areas for improvement
Listing description
Which they didn’t read

That are why you see is what you get

Home layout
How do I change my homes layout?

Outdated representation

Smaller than expected
The apartment is 1080 sq ft

They were the ones who couldn’t tell me what was wrong with the place when I repeatedly asked

Areas for improvement
Slow responses
? They didn’t speak to me. They called AirBnB and spoke to them

I accommodated their very late arrival at almost midnight!

I am so over these guests. I am still tired from them.

They left a 2 :star: rating and a lot of negative feed back that I will have to breathe through to see the positive I can take from it.

Wow that is terrible!!! I feel for you.


Thanks!! I’m disappointed in that. Oh well.

That is so uncalled for! I’m sorry you had to deal with that. :frowning:

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