"Guest Favorite" new highlight badge on your listing, did you get one?

Most of the places I’ve stayed are gone too. I do wonder what the average length of time an AirBnB stays in business is.

Thank you for sharing these! I always forget the official forum exists (and can never remember how to find it).

I hope a host writes an op-ed about how opaque and unhelpful this new “Guest Favorite” badge is.

I’m surprised AirBnB is so open that female hosts are more likely to get this badge.

We are Guest Favorite but it seems sort of useless since half the homes here are Guest Favorite as well.

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Just google Airbnb Community Center. I actually got banned from that forum, and I never liked it due to its censorship and often clueless responses from the mods. But I continue to read there, just because there is information that I may not be aware of. It also has a much larger user base, so while a host here may be experiencing some glitch that everyone else says isn’t happening for them, you might find 20 posts on the CC saying they are dealing with the same glitch, so you know it’s not just you.

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I did wonder if that reflected not the ‘guest favourite’ badge in particular but perhaps just gendered hosting trends overall – in a gendered economy it wouldn’t surprise me to find out that more women are Airbnb hosts because their work is so often in the domestic realm.

I thought I’d go look at mine. I’ve stayed in 29 Airbnbs since 2013. Only 4 are closed.

I got it. It may not help but I guess it won’t hurt either.

I guess there are SuperHosts with new listings who may not show up as guest favorite. Seems to me there would be a lot of overlap between a listing from a SuperHost and a guest favorite.

As both a Superhost and a guest at over 150 Airbnb’s, I could care less about this new “status”. I doubt it will attract more guests to my house, and I will pay it little regard when choosing a place for my next trip.


I got it but so did 13 of the 18 properties listed on the first page of town we’re located in which, I guess, means we are all doing a good job, but it doesn’t seem to help any one of the listings to be noticed. Frankly, I prefer my Superhost badge. Just saying…

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And there are guests posting on other forums saying they hate it that the Superhost filter is gone. That they can read reviews to see what other guests thought about a listing- they aren’t interested in some Guest Favorite algorithm that doesn’t even have any clear criteria.

Shall we start taking bets on whether this is a “soft phase out” of Superhost? A way for them to stop paying out all those $100 Superhost vouchers?


Yes, it does look like guest favourite is basically superhost but they don’t have to pay anything, and also the criteria are so unclear they can change it whenever they want, and no-one can complain.

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I won’t bet against you. But it also might be because they realized guests are looking for a great property with a great host, not just a great host. Their big property managers may have “diluted” the value of Superhost.

It could also be a second program - one that Vrbo doesn’t have - so they can advertise this in an upcoming ad campaign. After all, the Superbowl isn’t too far away.

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now my guest favorite badge banner is gone off, as far as I can tell…

Still guest favourite- no super host badge, had it granted this quarter……:woman_shrugging:

In some Airbnb info I read, it said “Guest Favorites” is “dynamic”- that it can change daily. Which further convinces me it’s just a way for Airbnb to drive bookings to where they want them.
So you could be a guest favorite today, but not tomorrow, even though nothing has changed on your end. In other words, I think there’s nothing a good host who gets good reviews and ratings anyway can do to be or affect Guest Favorite.

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Yes, that must be it. I did at least get some bookings, which could have been partly because of having that guest favorite banner even if it was just for a few days.

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Interesting. Here in the US the SH badge is still there on the host profile.

It makes sense to have it attached to the host, not to the home. And I’m fine with them removing the filter if they give me the tools to eliminate the Airbnbs I won’t stay at because their ratings are too low.

It’s been removed from the listings on general search, but it’s supposed to still show when a guest clicks through to your listing. If it doesn’t, you should report that.

Does any host here that got “guest favorite” still have it on their listing?
just curious

That’s odd> if I go incognito, the guest favorite banner shows up

Just in case anyone wants to see my listing<><>

Tiny Tiki Retro Hideaway or


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Yes, we do. 20202020

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Either you posted the wrong link, gypsy, or there is a serious glitch- that link takes me to an Attic Apartment in Croatia!