Thanks to powerful lobbyist any worker can be deemed essential, somehow the California association of realtors convinced California that real estate sales is an essential function. This real estate broker could not disagree more I have been telling buyers to stay home, reminding them that the state has a stay at home order. No doubt others will will show property though now that they have a green light from the state
well, you are spot on about the American public regarding the Civil War- I live “down South” and the war is NOT over…and the whole “right to bear arms” mentality where shooting someone first and ask questions later seems to be a way of life for many. We have a President who originally said this virus was no big deal, and who is more interested in his hotels and personal finances than what is best for the citizens of this country. Instead of listening to Doctors and Scientists he talks crap. Repeatedly.
You are clever and very astute, KKC, and the fact that Trump was elected shows how easily people get conned.
I agree that Brian should take the renter, but the woman who is sharing her house with a physical therapist is playing roulette with with other people’s lives every time she goes out in public. Home sharing is the WORST thing that Hosts should do right now. Period.
Yes. My parents were both from the American South. My dad was born at home in Forsyth County, GA in 1923, less than a decade after they proudly ran all the black folk out of the county. Mom was from a Southern Baptist family in Arkansas. I grew up in a home with a Confederate flag and US flag crossed and mounted behind the front door. I still have living relatives across the south but don’t associate with them for many years now.
Ok. That explains the guns. Southerners do like to hunt. I have a whole mess of squirrels that I wish someone would come and shoot…then eat, of course. I live in Memphis, so I am in the Bible Belt. When we moved down South from NJ in the early '70s, my parents looked in to a private school that ended up denying my sister’s application because she was Catholic. 1974. And not much has changed since…lol!
I took the booking. They’re 5 days into the reservation now. Haven’t met them. My only communication has been through messages. This 2-person crew is grading the earth for the foundation of an elementary school. One works during the day, the other during the night due to the limitation of number of people allowed on the job site.
There are e[quote=“cmpipe, post:24, topic:41106”]
Catholic. 1974. And not much has changed since…lol!
Oh dear more propagation of stereotypes. Reminds me of the time the woman from NJ asked me if I finished High School and she was proud for me to own a rental. I have a BS-Nursing, MBA BS-Business
I have a coworker who got very aggressive with me about education inequities. She failed to realize I went to a HBCU for my nursing degree.
It was a different world then. My Dad was born in 1933 and harbors old ideas.
The youth now are gloriously open and engage in relationships that in the 1950s would end up with someone in jail.
Social attitudes change slowly. Apparently so do regional stereotypes
Sadly extremists are everywhere—not only the south
Oh, connections there as well. My grandparents lived there at the end of their lives and I’ve got cousins who all fled to city to the white outer suburbs like Hickory Withe.
My southern relatives fit every negative Southern stereotype that exists. Once my sister passed away in 2016 I was finally able to cut the last cords of connection.
True. The only place I’ve seen Klan paraphernalia in person was at a biker rally…Bean Blossom Boogie Central IN 1999
Gosh, I went to Bean Blossom for the big music festival in the 1970s. My photo is a small one on the back of the album from that year (with a bunch of other photos).