Goddammit I'm HAPPY

Sometimes you have to roll with it. Ignore the threads that don’t interest you. We tend to play loose with topics.

Please continue to join in when you want


unfortunately I cannot agree as this conversation topic was sent to my email and it was obvious to my face, what I receive to my email gets my attention. So I never said I am in charge of this discussion. You seem to be illusional. I am not tolerating someone saying to me what to read and what not!

You still using stagecoaches and kayaks over there to transport the ballot boxes @NordlingHouse , I mean it is now a week ago!



THEN TURN OFF THE EMAILS and come to the forum when you want. I have NEVER received emails from this forum. I come here and browse when I have time, and I get enough spam in my mailbox already.


Ballots mailed in the US postmarked by election day are accepted until 10 days after the election. Overseas ballots are accepted until 15 days after the election, but most of those will be in by tomorrow. They cross check the mail ballots against the list of those that voted in person to make sure that people don’t double vote.

And we do have some communities that only get one small mail plane per week.


I think you’ve confused this forum with the Airbnb Community Center. We are a host forum, we also have folks who host and post about other booking platforms.

Everything is political, some people know it and some don’t.

Do you see the irony here?

I have no idea why that would happen but you need to change your settings. Go to your profile and preferences and change your email notifications.


I do not visit this page often as I receive notification emails with topics raised by members, which I choose to receive. Today received email with your topic to be first, which is fine, but as I said this is not topic you would expect to be discussed under Community of Airbnb hosts not to mention that one of the community guidelines is that members should be polite. As one of the member said sometimes people go off topic, which is fine but weird as there are many platforms to discuss politics and how you feel about it. My honest opinion, if you have problem with it just ignore my comments. Btw this was my first interaction in this community, because I rather read then engage, best regards.

I see that’s fair enough your opinion if everything is political, so I guess if I am going to discuss anything here it has to be political!

Irony, yes I use my freedom to comment on your topic as it’s commonly open to all members. If so please correct me otherwise and remove me as a member, if I damaged or hurt anyone EGO!

As I mentioned previously I do receive the email because I wish so, I can manage my emails very well, thank you. Your topic was mentioned in the email as it was sent to me so I assume you can engage with the topic any time you wish so. Are you saying I should ignore it because I supposed to not like it according your suggestions ? I am again confused, as I mentioned : "What does have to do election in the US with Airbnb community resp. hosts and guests? this is not political discussion forum. " after this you are correcting me that this is all political.

Thank you so much for being so CLEAR as you seems to be political here instead of being community for Airbnb Hosts !

So you are free to comment. So is everyone else. Make a political comment if you would like, or don’t. Complain about whatever comment you want and expect complaints about your comments as well.

Frankly I can barely understand this post. Perhaps English is not your native language?

We aren’t going to be removing you. You can delete your own posts if you care to and leave the forum, or don’t.


Exactly my free comment is as everyone else, so why people feel to say what someone like or doesn’t.

You have answered my question to my original post. That everything here is POLITICAL ! I take it it doesn’t mean I agree to it.

Yes, you are correct English is not my first native language. Hope you understand more languages then I do.

Thank you, I do not feel to delete my own posts.

Op here.
Lets remember that even though we are “just STR hosts” and supposedly apolitical by choice sometimes online, the political ramifications of certain countries elections / actions >perhaps all countries< have a lot to do with hosting or owning almost any kind of business. Take covid-19 as a prime example. If I were a host in New Zealand I might be more supportive of the president than I am here in the US, because there is a huge difference between how covid has affected society in general between the 2 countries.

I am also happy that the Us achieved so much more than the usual voter apathy.


@BFF Coming to an online forum and posting for the first time, trying to tell others what is and isn’t allowed is like someone coming to your home for the first time and instantly criticizing your decor, your furniture, and telling you that you should change everything.

You complained about receiving this thread in your email, about the content. It was suggested to you that if you are offended by it that you shut off your notifications and/or skip over posts that disturb you. Because that’s how adults deal with things. Instead you just push back saying you’ll receive emails if you want to and read whatever you like. So you want to complain about something yet do nothing to take personal responsibility for yourself. Up to you.

There are plenty of topics and posts here which don’t have any political content. Many more of those than threads that do.


I’m going off topic here @muddy but I have to comment: You just summed up my Mom!! :joy: First time, every time :person_facepalming:


Let’s review the obvious:

  1. OP created this topic about being HAPPY. The first post was about two political figures being elected;
  2. This was not a Topic Tangent that veered into Politics; it started AT politics;
  3. YOU chose to insert yourself into a topic that you feel is unwarranted, calling out YOUR freedoms without considering OP’s (and other members’) freedoms;
  4. If it were really bothersome to you (doubtful), you could have ignored the topic and/or deselected the email notification;
  5. Instead you choose to complain and step on someone else’s happiness which may be within your rights (albeit within limits),

But it is most obvious that what you are, is a TROLL


I am not complaining I just made a comment as that’s what is discussed in this lovely group of people. Someone discussing politics and I just said is this really political opinion page or Airbnb host forum.

This forum is POLITICAL so keep it and do whatever you wish. You feel discussing it further so do so!

Of course if that’s make you feel better you can call me what ever you wish. I feel I am human being and don’t have the need to call you what I think you are publicly in this group.

  1. this is not topic to be concerned about Airbnb hosts , political figures being elected is political subject
  2. most of the post under this comment are political
  3. yes that’s correct as I haven’t seen any political comments under the Airbnb forum before. As I mentioned I do not have problem with you discussing it I was surprised that Airbnb Forum discuss politics when it’s not really relevant to Airbnb Forum, is that a problem, that I made that comment?
  4. I try to ignore it but you seems to be open to the conversation
  5. I don’t complain, I am discussing this with members of the topic. Which I was told that everything is political. So I take it. Not sure what to discuss further here under Political subject. I am unsure what happiness has been disturbed? you can carry on being happy for what ever reason resp. someone else’s happiness

Lets not short change this event , it’s Historical Monumental event for the whole world,
and making it just a US / party issue misses the grandeur of it : It is good against evil ,
no less. We are lucky to witness it , but it ain’t over yet…
.going to be a long haul ahead


Certainly will roll with it thank you. I don’t do politic topics as I joined this forum for Airbnb topics so will stick with that.


Are we really doing this game ? I do or I think … it’s my opinion