Generally sloppy guests ignored house rules - review?

I dont know why you are getting so upset about it. I did not even delete our Kiki and i am not going to delete anyone unless there is some sort of serious bullying going on here.
Though i do eat in my bedroom but i am an obedient guest and if i am told by a host to not do it, i would not.

I donā€™t eat in a bedroom. I donā€™t eat standing up. I love to set a table, and sit down with my family to enjoy our meal together without having to balance a plate, or figure out where my glass should go. Old-fashioned, my daughter always told me, but she also now sits at a table for her meals.

I have set up my AirBNB space so that guests can eat at the desk. I provide placemats, napkins, coasters, plates, etc, and they are always welcome to eat in the dining room with the plates from our pantry. Lately, more people have been bringing food home from a restaurant to enjoy sitting in that room.

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My husband is French and he canā€™t believe the way Americans eat!


Donā€™t fall out over this, guys! Specially over something so minor. I know Iā€™m kind of new and donā€™t know histories but it feels like a family on here. Yeah, nobody agrees all the time but weā€™re all there to support when necessary.


Iā€™m asking for a way to review them for future hosts, not a diatribe on eating habits. Personally I eat while taking a shower :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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I donā€™t eat at all. Iā€™m a cyborg. Itā€™s very handy.


That would be my reaction too. Iā€™ve had nice guests leave the room a piggery, so I just pointed out what was expected.

Okay, so my honest opinion on how to review them is (as someone else said) mark them down on stars for cleanliness and respecting house rules. (Although they wonā€™t see these stars, if they get enough of them from other hosts, it flags them to Airbnb). Leave them a private comment about the way they left the room. And in the public review, Iā€™d leave something a little lukewarm so that hosts can read between the lines - something along the lines of ā€œX and X seemed to enjoy their stay here and have said theyā€™d like to come back.ā€ If you want to go stronger, then "X and X seemed to really enjoy their stay here and were nice people however Iā€™d recommend to future hosts to spell out the house rules on arrival."
Itā€™s harsh and itā€™s always easy for other hosts here to tell you how to review bad guests, because weā€™ve all had our own and we donā€™t have the uncomfortable situation of having met yours and dealing with the consequences of leaving a less-than-flattering review.

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It sounds like they were very annoying, so if it were me I would only mention them breaking the house rules.

ā€œSo and so were very nice, polite, friendly, blah blah blah. Communication was great blah blah blah. I was disappointed to find out they agreed to my house rules, yet they disregarded some of them.ā€

Then let the guests cry and whine back asking what rule they broke. They know which one it was if they re-read.


This is good advice.

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No tea in bedā€¦wow you are harsh one :frowning: as @Malagachica said we canā€™t survive without it


I get tea, but I donā€™t get why you want to drink it in bed, itā€™s not even comfortable. Whatā€™s wrong with a nice cozy chair and a little table for your crumpets? Breakfast in bed is overrated, reminds me of being in the hospital.:face_with_head_bandage::mask:

And, there are few restaurants with beds lol


Ahh it must be a Brit thing. On a cold morning or evening nothing better than a steaming hot cup of tea and a book or newspapers to snuggle up in bed with.


My tea would be all over my newspaper (well my iPad) and me!

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:slight_smile: I am thinking, much like using chopsticks gracefully, drinking tea in bed is a skill that is learned from a very early age. I would fail such a test. I would either end up with crumbs and tea all over the bed, or the bed would be pristine and the tea would get cold on my side table.

  1. Lots of pillows

  2. Sit up in bed

  3. Book propped up in your lap

  4. Tea on bedside table in- between sipping



My husband is European and likes to eat in bed, and I am American and hate eating in bed due to the crumbs, so I wonā€™t allow it! I compromise and let him drink tea in bed. The slurping is annoying when Iā€™m trying to sleep, but at least tea doesnā€™t leave crumbs!

Funny how we might defy the stereotypes as individuals.

Anyhow, nobody is right or wrong for their preferences, but the guest is wrong for breaking the house rules, and I would politely mention this in the review after saying the usual nice things.


I just washed greasy curry stains off my walls, Iā€™m now thinking of the no eating in your room rule. I have a full dining table and they were worried about staining the table cloth. Instead they stained my bedroom walls :ā€™(


@Maggieroni @anon67190644, indeed, itā€™s something thatā€™s bred in us, like apologising to furniture we bump into and being smug ā€¦


I confess, I eat in bed sometimes. Like K9, itā€™s usually when I have Air guests in the house. Somehow, I manage to very neat about it, because I too cannot STAND crumbs in the bed.

But my real question is, HOW do people manage to get food on the WALLS? Even if said wall is within arms reach of the bed. I just donā€™t get it.

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