Found Star formula

I just found the formula posted by @Brian, June ‘21, but I still don’t see why I’m not coming up with 4.98 or thereabouts. Ultimately, I’m curious as to how many more hundreds of 5 star reviews it will take to maybe get to 4.99.

Too much time on my hands-

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I don’t know if I’m the same Brian, but I love math problems and I’ll help however I can because us Brians have to stick together :wink:. If you’ve got the data, I’ll make the time.



Yep, you’re the guy😊

I was able to confirm the 4.98 by using @Muddy’s simple formula and example, but was unable to calculate the number of 5-star reviews I’d need to get to 4.99. Just curious-

So, I have:

154 total reviews
151 are 5 stars
3 are 4 stars…
…so currently I have a 4.9805 average.

Is that the data you need?

Yes, by that data, You should have a 4.9805

To show a 4.99 on your listing, you will need to get 46 more 5-star reviews without getting any more reviews that are below 5-stars. I.e. you will have a total of 200 reviews with 197 5-star and 3 4-star. That will give you an average of 4.9850 which should round up to 4.99.

To actually reach an average of 4.99 without rounding, you will need 146 more 5-star reviews without getting any more reviews that are below 5-stars.

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Thanks, Brian. Just one more question: could you explain “show” 4.99 vs. “actually have” 4.99. Hope I’m not being a nuisance!

So the Brian’s brains complement each other?

…spoke too soon: actually means not having to round up😊 Thanks again!