Extra guests refusing to pay

Oh, n-o-w I get it…about the close-up photos…so you could read the titles!

How in the world did that fly over my head ~ I’m usually pretty quick. Sheesh, I even pondered over it a good while and just figured you had me mixed up with someone else.

Maybe there is some truth after all to the connection of alcohol and the demise of brain cells…duh on me again.

(And no, Mearns…you are not getting those titles.)

Oh faheem, are you sure about being able to post a reply to a guest’s review?

I know that one can edit within 24(?) 48(?) hrs., but as I understand it, both that host and guest reviews are withheld from the other and published simultaneously (or at the 14-day mark if only one review is available) and that editing is not possible once the reviews are posted.

Am I mistaken?

:rolling_eyes: (That plan is foiled, Ok, she mentioned alcohol, hmmm)

Live and learn. I require payments in advance for any cash transactions. Among DogVacay hosts some have cash customers and then they do things like send their kids to pick up the dog and say “I’ll pay next time” or “I’ll run it by later.” Um, no. NO PAY NO STAY

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It’s definitely possible to respond to a guest review, because I’ve done so. This is not the same as editing a review, which, as I understand it, is only possible for a limited period after it has been posting. And actually I’ve not noticed that review editing option myself.

A quick search shows

Can I reply to a review?
Yes, but only within 14 days of when you received the review—we’ll post it directly below the review you’re responding to.

It doesn’t specify whether it is possible to reply to both hosts posting reviews about guests as well as guests posting reviews about hosts. I have only ever seen hosts replying to guests posting reviews about hosts. Can anyone clarify?

Had no idea you could.

That sounds awesome! Unfortunately my guests have to enter and leave through my garage. I could always go for a classic outdoor security camera!

(I live upstairs in ranch home on a sloped yard, so my front door is ground level, and the basement exits into the backyard at a lower grade, via the garage door in the back.)

My bad guests left this morning and haven’t accepted my request yet to modify their reservation. Left the place a giant mess of course, with oversized trash (a broken suitcase) I’ll have to pay to have hauled away. I’m going to use the resolution center now to charge them for the extra guest and extra trash.

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Ring also has a camera with no doorbell, although there’s nothing wrong with having a doorbell mounted at the back of your home. It’s not perfect they don’t have a “live” look in (i.e., being able to turn on the camera and peek out at will) but it was super easy to set up and wireless.

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I just found a sticky substance on the wall while cleaning. The guests were ladies so I am hoping it is just soda that sprayed when they opened it… but YUCK!

My 2 guests who booked for one then ‘disappeared’ into Big Bend accepted the modification with no problem as soon as they got internet service. They arrived at 2 pm, an hour before check in but the room was ready and I know the’d been camping in searing heat so I had no problem letting them in early. After showing them the room I didn’t hear from them again. Totally self sufficient. They went out for awhile last night and I didn’t hear a thing. Checkout an hour early this morning, didn’t even want coffee. 5 stars!

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Hair gels and lotions may also leave a sticky spot.


Ugh, Xena… These guests were awful. Please slam them in the review and post their nasty profiles in the Bad Guest Lounge. Be sure to wait until the very end to leave the review.

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I don’t think I’m in the bad guest lounge yet. I can post their profile once I get an invite, for sure.

Oh I’ll add you! …

Hi ,
I really need a quick advice. Here is my “breaking news”… I am expecting a guest in a few hours (the same I anticipate may bring an extra guest). He is booked for 4 nights.

This is the email I just got from him, after contacting him twice and asking for his response:
" Yes, got your message just fine. Instructions are clear and understood.
Looking forward to arrival and stay.
BTW, daughter indicates that we may have to leave the Island a day early. Is there any way of getting a day’s credit if this happens? "

I have a Flexible cancellation policy, so 24 hrs - I should say NO.
It is only a few hrs before his arrival. Also, it is “maybe”. “We may have to leave…” but, we may stay.
I am worried that if I say no, his stay may turn into “lets see what’s wrong with this place”… and a bad review.
So, saying no may be risky. Saying ok will be wrong. Right?
What would you do?
Thank you for your help!

This is the rest of the flexible cancellation policy from Air’s site:

If the guest arrives and decides to leave early, the accommodation fees for the nights not spent 24 hours after the official cancellation are fully refunded.

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I had the same, a guest canceled one night after arriving at our place.

Basically flexible it’s really bad, change to moderate at least


Thank you. This is only my second guest - a lot to learn…

Thank you for your advise - I will definitely change my setting to moderate.

Change it to Strict.