Do video cameras negatively effect bookings

So we understand that it OK to use outdoors cameras that are sufficiently disclosed in the listing. But we wondered how having cameras may or may not effect bookings. Our quest suit in California is detached and over the garage. Guests check in by coming to our front door and we show them up. We are thinking of a ring doorbell at our front door and a camera pointed at our back door which is near the hot tub deck that guests have access to, but it is pointed away from the tub. Thoughts?

I have opinions on this, but since I don’t have experience, I’m watching this thread to see what others have to say.

My wife wants to install three wireless video cameras aimed at our home’s driveway, front door and main interior hallway. We live full-time on the upper-main floor of our house.

Our Airbnb guest space (two bedrooms, full-bathroom and TV lounge) is secluded downstairs, which will not be in camera view. But guests must use our first-floor front door to enter and exit our house and they would be on camera only then.

Must I mention the three video cameras in my Airbnb property description?


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This is a good question. I have it in my “things to note” section that I have a Ring Doorbell. That is my only camera. I never thought of it being a negative, but my guests have “performed” for it, which is a story for a different thread.


No it won’t negatively affect bookings. Everyone is on camera hundreds of times per day. It’d unreasonable to think it’d be any different going to an Airbnb. You have dash cams, security cameras, traffic cams, weather cams, its everywhere.

You have to disclose it but not necessarily on the House Rules check box for “Surveillance devices on premises”. I just add “The driveway is on CCTV” at the end of my house rules.


I have an interesting question. My listing is directly across the street from my own home. If I had a security camera pointing out my front door (e.g. a Ring doorbell camera) or a camera covering my driveway, it would also show any activity at the front door or driveway of my listing.

I currently do not have cameras, but if I did, would I have to disclose this?

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I do not think it affects bookings because guests do not read.



No, Its not at the listing.



It’s not at the listing but I’d disclose it.

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I would only disclose it for the deterrent effect, I do not think it would be required though.


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That is exactly what I have for the foreclosure across the street I just bought. Although I also have a video doorbell there.

Ironically, the house rule breaking guests I had last night for the Dreamville concert (booked 5 men and ended up with 5-6 men and 2-3 women) stood in front of the doorbell in the morning while all the guests filed out (could still hear them, including their rant about how they were getting away with extra guests for free and if I tried to call them on it they would be like no, b*tch! And laughing). Funny thing was 1. When they arrived they didn’t hide it so we have them all arriving fully on the doorbell camera; 2. They didn’t cover the other cameras that show the driveway…so I also have clear day time footage thstbjust isn’t quite as close but definitely shows 8 individuals instead of the 5 booked.

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I had no cameras and now I do and I have not experienced any drop in bookings at all.

I disclose that I have 3 cameras on the outdoor porch and the shared hallway before you get to your space. I have a 95 occupancy rate. I also require govt. Photo IDs of every person entering that will be in the STR. It is my believe that this discourages the bad actors. I live in the space below the STR. There is no way that I would host without cameras.


I suspect mentioning cctv in your listing will affect bookings, but only very, very, slightly

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And that slight affect would be in the positive direction!

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I agree that is will not reduce bookings all else being equal and if anything will result in better guest behavior.

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I would disclose it if you ever expect to use the footage in support of an Airbnb claim.

In response to the original question, outdoor cameras at entrance/exit, are rarely an issue for most guests and are invaluable to you as a host. They give evidence you’ll need to show Airbnb to prove a claim for extra guests, pets, late checkout, etc. I don’t know that I’d host without one.

I have a camera and remain fully booked for the season. My strict cancellation policy is likely a bigger deterrent. I’ve only had one complaint about the camera and that was from someone who snuck in two extras to a 4-person max listing. Honest guests don’t seem to mind it.

Indoor cameras are another thing entirely - most people don’t feel they can move around naturally inside a home with security cameras. The one exception might be for shared houses with some common areas monitored.

Its far better to disclose cameras than to have footage of wrongdoing you can’t use.


good point …


I have cameras at the front and back door. No problem.

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