Disgusting guest! - Need help w review

It’s a fluid situation, this review…


But the host can be sure those men came. There is evidence :laughing: :rofl: :rofl:


"…Helpsi (:laughing:) "

(I know…that name Helpsi cracks me up every time!..though kona’s Astaireical beats it by just a hair for 1st Place.) :call_me_hand:t4:



(urp)…TMI. You sure speak English fluidly.


Should you be SnowyToes? :laughing:

Talking of evidence, how is the OP sure that what was found on the sheets was really sailors??


Say something like you’ve not seen this much DNA since the Brown/Goldman murders.



Remember that future guests will see your review. it might pay to wait to draft it till you get a response through the resolution center.

That said, perhaps more of a:

Unfortunately, I can’t recommend (guest). They left the room in a truly deplorable state, requiring replacement of all linens and a deep cleaning of the space. In addition, there was evidence that more than two people were spending time in a two-person-only room, violating house rules.

(You might not be able to use the “violating house rules” line if it’s not in your house rules yet. That said - definitely have no additional visitors/must pay more for additional guests type settings. I require any visitors to be arranged before my guests arrive)


See now, I was holding back on asking that! Let’s be honest, though, it’s pretty damned obvious unless there was a rabbit involved and she has the ability to … ok, not going there.

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Is that the reason for that rabbit simile I wonder!

Okay… once again I need the joke explained :frowning: .

No! If you make an assumption it can be removed. If you don’t have direct evidence or the guest didn’t admit it, don’t put it in the review. They will remove it. BTDT


You know, the … like rabbits…

Actually,I was thinking of the battery operated ones that go whrrrrrr.
And that some women have the propensity to produce a lot of fluid.

Ooh, does that mean YOU didn’t get the joke? Ha! (all in good humour :slight_smile: )

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Sperm like many other body fluids is relatively easy to clean, toss the sheets in the machine with laundry soap and oxyclean. I don’t think you can get Airnb to agree to replace sheets for such a simple and common stain. You can complain about the rest, but I doubt you will get any $$. All you can do is leave a review stating place left in a bad state.


Someone’s living the good life! :slight_smile:


True. It just washes out, frankly. Blood and make-up are the toughest stains to remove. And that damned self-tan/bronzer stuff. I’m feeling pleased at the moment, though, because I removed bike oil stains from a pair of expensive jeans using WD40. It was like magic. I’m now officially Queen StainRemover in my family. Damn…


We all have our aspirations.

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“Should you be SnowyToes?”

Well…, come to think of it, they are pretty white except for the polish.

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I understand you were disgusted but anything was broken, damaged, or it was only what you described?
I would never leave review describing all these spots and toilet paper on a floor. It’s gross but it happens , its life.
I would may be mention in private feedback