Denying Bargain Hunters

I’m with Yana to a great extent. However, our pricing is such that I do have some room to give discounts for some stays.

I’ve had guests ask for a 70% discount. I just say “No” and they never come back. Some just ask for “a discount” and I offer something if I think their dates are ones we won’t get booked otherwise, or I offer them dates that suit me with a discount instead - or I say no.

I’ve taught my son that you won’t get something if you don’t ask for it. So I don’t get offended by a polite request for a discount.


Let’s all race each other to the bottom !!!

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It has nothing to do with chasing each other to the bottom. Hosts loose good guests only based on them asking for discounts.

I will often reply to discount seekers with a small discount of $5-10, which amounts to about 10% off my rates. I’ve only had one person take me up on it and her credit card was declined so she never stayed. Everyone else has said, “that won’t work for me” or “my budget is actually (30%-50% off).” These discount seekers are usually last minute when everything is booked up, then I get someone a few hours later happy to pay full price.


I’m definitely not in that camp. I’ve really come to realize the damage that certain guests and hosts do to all of us but since I have lots of reviews and a place that offers good value I don’t have to play that game. I just had a regular guest who I’ve converted to cash direct pay tell me I need to charge more and I think I’m going to follow her advice. I agree with PitonView that there is no reason to take offense and the discount seekers. Just say no, they probably aren’t the kind of guest you want anyway and their asking helps to clue you into that before they arrive.


" Discount seekers" are often very good guests who every host would be glad to host. One of my discount seekers stayed with me for 8 months being perfect guests. And other hosts are responsible only for themselves and have no obligation to anyone else whether to give discounts or not. It’s an option on Airbnb platform called special offer.

Just received one from someone requesting discount. The price for his dates were just 7-8% higher than our yearly lowest so I said no discount. I still Pre-Approved with a polite message but very rarely do discount seekers end up booking. The ones who do actually tell us what their real budget is and let’s us decide. I’m sure these folks non-specified budget was in fact 20-30% lower. Silly.

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