Critique my review of nightmare guest

If I was writing a review in that situation I would have simply said “travelling companions” – keeping it totally impersonal.

It was clearly used as a pejorative in the context of this draft review.

Half his reviews start with Richard and his husband, in his profile he talks about his husband.


Your point is understood. Probably the main reason I keep my negative reviews bland is because I don’t want them removed. Until this post, I never realized:
a) That my hotel comment didn’t warn other hosts as I thought It would.
b) That Airbnb is removing them.

I have a problem guest checking out today and I was planning on using my normal reply, but I will write more and ask for feedback.

My main concern is not writing anything that airbnb will seem objectionable but if I write too lame of a review (which I now unstained is the hotel review) then it seems as a host that I’m picky. I’ll try to find a happy medium.

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These guests made many complaints on a 24/7 basis:

That there was mysterious poop in the villa (which was from the stray cat our housekeeper saw them take in, itself a violation of house rules),

That the water pressure was low, but later saying it was fine after all, but then later that, no, it’s low,

That twenty minutes after a mile-away concert started that it ruined the place’s ‘vibe,’ and ruined it for days though it was just a one -night concert,

On and on.

Would not host again.


“My guests”


My rentals, as well as my own home, are within walking and hearing distance of the town square, which has live music everyday barring a thunderstorm, from 5 to 9pm, 365 days a year. I do disclose it, as a plus.


The review is is long and it is peppered with emotion.

Take the emotion out and just stick to facts and avoid language that seems more of an opinion than fact.

Glad you are writing an honest review of the guest.

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Still too long.

“Guests left place in OK condition but complained non-stop about things that were either remedied quickly or were out of our control (a concert 2 miles away). Brought a local cat inside (against HR) and cat pooped, then they complained about animal poop. Would not host again, would not recommend.”


I like what @casailinglady said, but with “rules” or “house rules” instead of HR.


Thanks, I almost typed it out then went “forum initials!” :wink:

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Doesn’t work for me because you provide no details, only general statements. What did they complain about exactly? How was that complaint unjustified?

I would do something like this:

"We would not host these guests again. They complained every day and we consider all their complaints to be unrealistic expectations and unjustified. For example:

  • Guests complained that the birds in the garden were too loud in the morning, and birds starting singing too early. We don’t control the birds.

  • Guests said we provided insufficient bed pillows. We provided 12 bed pillows for two guests, and we provided four more at their request…"

I would just list all the items and then stop writing.


Today I wrote my review, and Richard was upset, just few minutes later after it was published he requested a refund of 50% through resolution claiming there was no hot water for 2 days :rofl:

Then after few hours my review of him disappeared from his profile. He must have been nagging the CS non stop, but I sent a message to CS also to check why they removed it and the CS said that the previous CS made a mistake and that no violation of any policy was in the review and it was back on his profile, the response was very fast, I waited only 20 minutes.


Don’t be surprised if the review disappears again. I’ve read of this happening to other hosts before. The guest just complains to CS again, and some other CS rep removes it again.

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They removed it again, it seems to me it’s a lot easier for guests to get reviews removed than for us hosts.

ah! I assumed Aussie and was relieved to see the name, i just had friends go to Bali for 5 weeks (male couple) and thought “gee I hope it’s not X&Y”. They are nice guys but “easygoing” is not a word I’d apply to them either. they both have a bitchy streak, which is such a laughable cliche, but true.

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:roll_eyes: It’s so infuriating how they shaft hosts to do guests’ bidding.

Is his review posted on your page though? or both removed?

i wrote it so carefully that its impossible there is any review policy broken, we’ll see if they put up again, but this guy is so annoying he will keep calling the cs to remove it again

his is posted on my page, I didn’t even ask they remove it