Covid-19 and business rates

I’m coming to the end of my first year of hosting. It’s been quite good, got super host and was well on the way to business rates. If I get 70 booking over 12 months I can apply.
This will greatly reduce my out goings.
However, Covid-19 and the forced closure have me left me 5 days short.
Does anyone know if there is any dispensation, as I had a lot off booking that were cancelled and I would have easy reached the target amount.
Thanks for your help Andrew

What country are you in?

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What did your local council say when you checked with them @Rowlie

I would also suggest you speak to your accountant. They are likely to know if there is any wiggle room.

Interesting you have to have 70 bookings before you can apply - wonder what their thinking is on having that as a restriction.

looks like the UK from his profile @KKC


And you don’t/didn’t know someone who’d book you for five nights… :wink:



Seriously- I’d just have asked a friend to book and re-imbursed them.


Thanks. for all the info.
I did think of getting a mate book the 5 days, I need,
But there is not enough days left to be able to do this.