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This is an ongoing discussion between my husband and I, who drinks his coffee black. What offerings does anyone use for coffee creamer? I’m currently using dry Coffeemate, but am debating on going back to the individual liquid creamers. Thanks!
I put a small bottle of half and half and a small bottle of plant based beverage like oat, almond or soy in the refrigerator. I don’t like the cost inefficiency or plastic of individual creamers.
If I had a listing where guests stayed several nights I’d put the 16oz cartons upopened, one per stay and then I’d use the leftovers in my part of the house. But spending 10% of net per night on creamer for one night stays doesn’t make sense.
I have a bottle of powdered Coffee Mate. Definitely not my personal favorite. But, it lasts forever so very easy to keep around for guests that like it.
I also try to have a small container of Half and Half and a small container of some flavored creamer (French Vanilla).
The flavored creamer seems to disappear the fastest.
But, I don’t stress it too much. Any coffee snob (like me) that only likes something specific, will bring it.
I don’t do the individual creamers and wont use them in gas stations either. Every store I’ve been to leaves them out on the counter. If its actually “cream”, it would have to be refrigerated. So, either they are spoiled, or, I don’t want to drink what’s in them. Not to mention the waste.
I buy a 16-oz carton for about $1.50 and leave it in the refrigerator. Only about half the guests open it. If it expires or is opened, it is used in cooking or goes to our neighbors, who are happy to use it.
I am a coffee drinker and if a host said they provided coffee and the fixings, if all I found was a jar of powdered chemicals called “creamer”, I would drink it black and not enjoy it much. And give the host private feedback as to how gross that is.
Please provide real coffee cream.
I also don’t get why Americans call cream, " creamer".
And while some of those little containers in a gas station or restaurant are not real cream, some is. You have to read the label.
Technically, cream is a specific dairy product. Creamer is anything put in coffee from plant based products through the spectrum to various dairy based products.
I know, it’s just a weird word to me. If someone took soy milk in their coffee, I would call it soy milk, not creamer. And if I was asking someone what they like in their coffee, that’s what I’d ask, what do you like in your coffee?, not what “creamer” they like.
“Creamer” conjures up that awful Coffeemate stuff to me.
7-11. It’s more consistent than any other at least.
We give a carton of the smallest half-n-half, 8oz? We also have a shelf-stable milk and a shelf-stable almond milk, the little ones, in the unit as well. If someone has told me that they are vegan, then I get them the smaller carton of Nut Pods creamer instead of half-n-half.
Buc-ee’s is all the rage down there, but I suppose their coffee is just as bad as any other convenience store? If I’m on the road & Jonesing for a cup of coffee, I’ll look for a local coffee shop.
Btw, what IS the big deal w/ Buc-ee’s? They’re building a 74,000 sq. ft. store w/ 116 fuel pumps north of Denver. Jeez, it’s a freaking gas station!
We don’t have them in El Paso. I was recently in the DFW area and drove past one several times on my way to and from Denton. I kind of thought I should go in and see what the deal is. But it really strikes me as the kind of place I wouldn’t like.
I used to provide a small container of real half and half in the fridge but with covid I did not feel is was sanitary. Sadly I did switch to the non-refrigerated “creamers”.
I provide lovely coffee and there’s also a small bottle of milk in the ‘first breakfast’ basket. I’ve never really understood what a creamer is, especially when they have all those different flavours.
I love providing for my guests but if they want anything out of the ordinary (and creamer is out of the ordinary to me) then they can either bring it or go out and buy it.
I choose my lesser evil. I hate powdered creamer and understand the argument against single use plastics. However, I have thrown away so many unopened or nearly full cartons of half and half that I have given in to shelf stable individual creamers. Mine is a home share and we rarely use half and half in anything so we can’t just absorb the leftovers. These are available with a small in-room coffee maker but most guests share our coffee in the kitchen. I invite them to use oat, almond or 1% milk in the main fridge since we use it ourselves regularly. I agree that coffee snobs bring a lot of their own stuff or plan to hit a local coffee shop.
I would so love to make your day but I’m sorry, there are no Hobbits locally.
The breakfast basket is simply a selection of cereals, croissants, jam, fruit and cheese so that guests can enjoy their first breakfast in the apartment without going out to the shops. (After that, they’re on their own.)
I never provide anything in the apartments that we don’t eat ourselves. So I look forward to leftovers. If I see that departing guests have left a croissant and some cheese, that’s going to be my lunch.