Back to back to back bookings

So I decided to allow same day turnovers again on my smaller cabin which is easier to clean and flip and all of a sudden I am booked 14 days in a row, 4 different guests with no days in between. I still require a days notice to book so no last minute surprises.

Looks like it will be a busy rest of the year!



I changed to no days between but I add the days I want as blocked between bookings manually. I have more control that way.


Decided to keep the buffer day, so no same day turnovers for us this summer.

Weā€™ve got a four day minimum for July and August, and most bookings are for around a week, so weā€™re not losing much.

Itā€™s just so much more relaxing, especially as it was 41C here today, with more to come over the next few days :sweat:



We have kept the buffer day, too. It turns out to be especially important now, as my husband has four broken ribs from an over-the-handlebars bike accident, and Iā€™m recovering from surgery with another surgery coming up next week. Changing beds is an adventure in teamwork.


I assume you donā€™t use Instant Book?


So basically, this is a humble brag thread?


I am tiring of your smartass remarks @rexbanner

It is relevant, many of us scaled back and added days between bookings since covid. I am just relaying my experience since I changed back.
No need to respond btw



no IB here

:grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:


Gosh I hope you feel better soon!
My hub has had serious health issues too, and I have been holding down our fort mostly alone, so the bookings buffer was good. I may put it back, but I wanted more flexibility.


For a brief time today I thought of not blocking days before and after a guest, butā€¦
Iā€™m following the spread of the delta variant which is ramping up and since Iā€™m the cleaner, although fully vaccinated, I donā€™t want to take a chance.
Covid is not over, itā€™s seriously getting out of control again.


Superior hosts donā€™t need to be humble.

I definitely throw out my excellent stats every chance I get.


Luvinā€™ this.

May I join you in the stats exposeā€™? Mine are not perfect but considering the challenges of the past 18 months and some of the craziness currently in my rental area, Iā€™m happy.


We are of a similar mind. My summer booked with all but two reservations having a day between. To allow a couple of Un-bookable available days to be booked (3night min), I removed it. Now Iā€™ve put it back.


Last time I did that I was trying to show a friendā€™s grandkid how to jump a log at age 61. It sure took a lot longer for my ribs to heal than it did just 10 years earlier. I still ride trails, but I donā€™t jump logs any more.


Virgilā€™s accident wasnā€™t nearly as dramatic. He was riding slowly (walking page) up a very gradual curb cut to a sidewalk (which is the bike path at that point). There were no obstacles (not even gravel or sand) and no other bike or person involved.

He doesnā€™t know what caused his handlebars to swing forcefully to the side, badly injuring his groin and sending him flying over the handlebars. He landed on his head (helmet, thank goodness) on the sidewalk. He isnā€™t aware of landing on his chest or back. He didnā€™t feel the pain of broken ribs until three days later. At age 69, he expects healing will take at least two months.


We eliminated our buffer day also and booking is wild. We allow one day booking and have many of them. I forgot that I would be away one long weekend. So now Iā€™ve stuck my husband with three same day turnovers - I better bring him something excellent when I return.


love youā€¦


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Good news and bodes well for many of us. Are you still doing IB? If so, are you also doing any of the ā€œadditional IB requirementsā€ (ID, etc, etc) - or just wide-open IB?

I opened back up on Dec 1 and dropped ā€˜the day between staysā€™ early on. I have a six day minimum but drop that to five day, even four days to fill the voids. IB with a 1 dayā€™s notice. Average stay has been 6.5 nights for the same time period.

Iā€™ve managed a 88% occupancy since February. The longest continuous stretch of booked nights was 21 in June.

Humbly submitted,



OK Iā€™ll play the humble brag . Even with covid and snoozing ABB last year, we have been completely booked all but maybe 10 days. This was accomplished by using Craigā€™s list and Furnished Finder. Iā€™m really spoiled now that I maybe clean every two months or so. We did get two longer term bookings from ABB this year so far.
All great guests as well.