I’m in California too. how did you find out when you get your stimulus check? have you filed your 2019 taxes?
Look under “real-estate-property-management” or something close to that
Might be “real-estate-property-rentals”
I actually have another profession I was able to cite for my second and third options but I have not been doing those actively of late (and won’t until my child is in school) bc I stay home with a young one
Received my stimulus based on 2018 income. So I haven’t filed my 2020 return (for 2019 income) yet.
They’re going to be about the same though…
Sorry, my dh filled it out. Is there an option for hospitality? Freelance maid, Freelance launderess?
thanks that was helpful
super that worked thank you
My pleasure
what worked? when I input those phrases (real estate property, hospitality, etc), nothing relevant came up, unless you’re accepting the work type of “SUPERVISOR, HOSPITALITY HOUSE”?
If I recall right, I think I had to get creative and pick manager of the property which technically we are, right? We have to manage people who are staying in our homes … A little annoying that they don’t have a specific category for us but I guess not surprising.
Clearly, Airbnb has been focused on other things instead of helping its millions of hosts get PUA.
How exactly could Airbnb help their hosts get PUA? There are 50 different states doing it 50 different ways and most of them are unable to help their citizens get the PUA. It’s a mess, I’m not sure what Airbnb could do.
Besides, if hosts want to get paid again, Airbnb needs to focus on keeping their business afloat.
They could have told us that (in our state) such and such a date was the first day that we could have applied.
Secondly, they could’ve confirmed for all hosts, regardless of state, that in fact they should go ahead and apply for unemployment rather than hosts having to read about our ability to apply in news reports.
Third, they could have sent out state-by-state guidance to hosts to help us through the actual process of applying for PUA.
I could go on and on.
They did almost nothing to directly remind hosts that they were eligible for PUA much less the process by which to get it.
The National Association of Realtors is a perfect example of an entity that truly helped its followers through the Unemployment process
It literally gave step-by-step guidance to realtors affected by the pandemic. Including screenshots of how to fill out the Unemployment application.
Meanwhile… radio silence(/crickets chirping) from Airbnb
You’re a grown up with a business. Airbnb is a listing service. You pay them 3% for advertising and credit card transactions. You don’t get hand-holding for that.
You know what state you live in. That state has an unemployment website (and a facebook page and a twitter feed). It’s your job to file for unemployment. And for a minimum of $600/week it’s a pretty good gig. It blows my mind that you think Airbnb 1. would help you file for unemployment and/or 2. could help you file for unemployment.
And I find it despicable that you want to get the PUA money without going through the trouble of having to figure out how to file for it. You don’t have anything else to do!! You are unemployed!! Do the work, don’t just sit there with your mouth open like some hatchling bird. It is your responsibility, not anyone else’s. JFC.
You clearly misunderstand your relationship with Airbnb.
Dude what is your problem? Have anger much?
I am using the National Association of Realtors (my mom’s business) as an example of how to guide somebody through the self employment application process
“And I find it despicable that you want to get the PUA money without going through the trouble of having to figure out how to file for it.”
Wow- “despicable?”
And um I DID figure out how to do it myself.
That’s a relief. I’m glad you didn’t wait for Airbnb to help you
I’m pretty sure they’ve let go all of their social workers.
Yeah, it’s a strong word, but I think your sense of entitlement is bad for society.
Here’s the thing. You’re an Airbnb host. You don’t pay any unemployment insurance. No one owes you anything, especially the unemployment office. You are not entitled to anything at all from the unemployment office.
But you got lucky because of where you live and now you are going to be given $600+ a week for not being an airbnb host. For doing nothing. All you have to do is spend some time on your state unemployment’s office website, maybe some other government sites, maybe some blogs and even a forum like this one and fill out an application. Then you’re going to start getting money into your bank account for doing fuggall. And your response to this is “Airbnb should help me with this, wahhhh”. Are you out of your mind?
Oh yeah, and the username checks out.
You remind me of an emotionally abusive guy I dated in college.
Chill out on the anger.
Just because you apparently aren’t eligible for PUA, and just b/c you weren’t invited to the Superhost relief fund, doesn’t mean you should act like a jerk. Yikes
Another case of someone not getting the responses they were looking for. You’re mistaking home truths for anger, and to be perfectly frank your constant bitching about Airbnb, on more than topic, is now becoming tiresome.
Seriously? They are an online property advertising platform, not some ad hoc citizens advice bureau. What do you think your unemployment office would say if you asked them where you could rent a cottage in Bulgaria for a fortnight?
If anyone is “acting like a jerk” here, it’s you. @JJD has given more hosts practical advice on how to claim benefits than I can count. If you’d taken the time to actually read what’s posted on here, instead of constantly whining about your situation, you’d have known that.