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Hi. We are trying to get unemployment to replace some of our lost airbnb income. We won’t be able to open again for quite a while, I suspect. Mass. still has many new cases (and deaths) every day. We are older and share out home with guests.
We started the application process but it’s kind of confusing. Has anyone succeeded in getting unemployment $$?
In Ohio, the state’s website says they expect the unemployment webpage for self-employed people (like Airbnb hosts) to be ready for use in about mid-May.
California govt web page to be accepting inquiries/ applications for freelance financial help in 4 days. The 28th. We did it already on the main page, as advised, and both got the note that we don’t get anything. We have not gotten the stimulus checks either. But we are among the lucky ones and are financially ok <><>
@gypsy and @JulieP I’m in California too. Are you applying for the pandemic unemployment assistance (PUA) that opens on April 28? Is AirBnB your only or main source of income? I wonder if they would approve people who have other jobs but use AirBnB as a significant supplement to their income. I’ll be interested to see what kind of documentation they ask for when the application opens.
We did get the correct tax forms and are waiting to see if our initial effort to get unemployment worked but we may have gone about it the wrong way. I’m glad to hear that you have started to receive some money. I think you should also get a $600 a week fund from someplace or other. Hopefully we can get this working. Thanks for writing.
We got our first unemployment checks this week and they are substantial. They more than cover our lost income. We should be getting a stimulus check soon as well. I found the process of applying for pandemic unemployment insurance to be a bit confusing but apparently it worked.
I just tried to fill out the PUA but they ask for net income. Since I use much of the AirBnB income to pay the mortgage and insurance and all that stuff our net income is pretty low, however I still have all those expenses. When you filed, did you list your income minus expenses or just your income? Since we deduct part of the mortgage and insurance and taxes from our income for tax purposes, I don’t want to list more income than I did on my taxes and get audited…
How did you file? What did you use as your net income? Did you deduct your expenses from your AirBnB income when filing for PUA? I have been waiting for PUA and now am afraid I won’t be eligible for any money:(
I can’t answer your questions, Maury, but I know we weren’t asked many questions about mortgage and expenses - nothing, in fact. When we filled out the PUA my recollection is that they asked no specifics – I think it was because they were using my tax return info and it was repopulated, or something. I have amnesia about this. Someone else might be able to help. We did call someone on the phone who was VERY helpful. Dept. of Unemployment.
@Maury.Argento I was asked if I had my AGI (net income more or less) for 2019 and I said “no” and then they just asked for the 1099 from 2019. I’m sorry, that probably doesn’t help. It’s very different from state to state. I am feeling grateful for my very helpful state right now.
I’m in San Francisco. They didn’t need you to provide your net income? I’m worried they will check against my taxes for 2019 when i eventually file. did you file online?
Oh, I’m not in California and it is really different from state to state. My state did not want net income. I helped my husband with his and they just looked at his W2s, also not net income. I’m sorry! But there quite a few people on here that are in California. Maybe they will pop in. Maybe @gypsy or @Kitty_Norris. I know I’m forgetting someone…
I’m sure they will. Whatever they are asking for, at least just mock it up for them and err on the low (income) side so you don’t end up with overpayments. As long as you get even a $1 from CA you will also get the $600 from the feds.
We are going to try again today. we heard that the site is overwhelmed. Also I know you need to use the same log in that you used before… where they said Zero is due, for regular unemployment payments.
??As long as you get even a $1 from CA you will also get the $600 from the feds.?? Does this mean that you have to be eligible for State regular unemployment?
I faced the same dilemma— I just filled out the UI application, not the PUA, and it only asks for wages. Maybe it’s different in your state or on the PUA—
I’m in California and trying to file for unemployment/PUA. as a full time airbnb host I don’t know how to answer "What type of work do you normally perform? Examples of Work Types: • Electricians • Salespersons • Truck Drivers. What did you put for this?