Angry guest after they read the review I made for them-sending me threats now

@JamJerrupSunset I don’t think there is anything wrong with mentioning sanitary pads if you are speaking directly to the guest, as in “There are sanitary pads and tampons in that drawer if you need any”.

But mentioning them in a public review on someone’s personal profile page could be embarrassing to them, so it’s just better to steer clear of that sort of thing. Everyone poops, but would you mention in a review that the guest left s**t streaks on the towels? Wouldn’t you just say the guest ruined some towels?

Some women are quite embarrassed about things like that- as another poster pointed out, many female guests will have an “accident” on the sheets, and never mention it or try to deal with it. Others, like me (back before I was too old for that to be an issue), would be totally matter of fact- "Hey, I’m really sorry, but I got my period last night and got a bit of blood on the sheets. I was looking for a pail so I could put them to soak in cold water, but I can’t find one- how do you want me to deal with it? "

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To have an accident on the bedsheet is totally different to deliberately clogging the toilet with pads.


Of course it is. What is your point? It doesn’t matter in terms of a review whether she flushed sanitary pads, make-up wipes, a washcloth, or whatever. What matters is that she clogged up the toilet, requiring extensive repairs, by flushing things that aren’t meant to be flushed.

In any case, I’m not the person who made the decision to remove the review, nor does anyone know the reason some CS rep decided to remove it. The mention of sanitary pads was suggested to be a possible reason.

Other possible reasons might be saying the guests were professional complainers. It’s best not to label guests as this or that, but just stick to the facts and your own feelings. “They started complaining about everything and I felt like no solutions I offered were acceptable to them.”

You can write whatever you want, of course, but the goal is not to give Airbnb any reason to agree to remove the review.

If you want to fight the review removal, go for it.

Now they put the review back.


this is the CS response to my complaint

We’ve assessed the review written you have left for Schubert about the reservation xxx and we have confirmed that the review should not be removed for this reservation.

Having carefully reviewed it, it appears to be in line with our Review Policy. Therefore, we have overturned the previous decision.

You can learn more about our Review Policy in our Help Center:

Thank you for working with us regarding this concern, your patience and understanding is truly appreciated.


It feels really good after the husband texted me
and gloating for the review removal.


NOW send Air copies of the threats and ask that they be blocked, and hopefully removed from Air.


I did ask they suspend the account but they don’t care about that, I had worse stuff done to me by guests like trying to rent my place by a rental agency and make a 3rd party booking, they just don’t want to remove the accounts no matter what, the guest is the cash cow.

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Most people aren’t, I think it’s probably a generational thing.

He didn’t say she was menstruating or incontinent, he only said that she flushed sanitary pads. A child could flush sanitary pads, an old man could flush sanitary pads (I’ve witnessed both) really anyone could, but the point is that they shouldn’t.

Tampons are up for debate because they advertise to be flushable but everyone knows that pads aren’t flushable. This woman was either viciously mean or unbelievably stupid and I think it’s fair to tell other hosts. The main thing that hosts worry about is how their property is going to be treated and this woman purposely treated the property poorly.


Even if they do suspend an account, or give a user a warning, they won’t share that information with you. You would just notice that she no longer had an account, if you were to check.

As a flight attendant, I witnessed an eldery guy use a sanitary napkin as a mask! When sick many Asians will use a facial mask, which is so considerate. I’m assuming this passenger saw the napkins in the lavatory and thought they were masks. I didn’t have the heart to tell him it wasn’t a mask.


How did he get it to stay on?

I had a home health patient that started flushing his granddaughter’s pads during a fit one day, those and her ponytail holders, makeup and perfume. :grimacing: They ended up having to remove the toilet to get everything out.

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It had a self adhesive strip.

In addition to the comments made by others, your review should stick to the facts rather than judgmental descriptions (“professional complainers.” single most demanding guests, “she knew”) as well as irrelevancies like the five star resort.

It’s understandable you were upset because of the costs you incurred and the recklessness/ignorance involved in disposing anything other than toilet tissue in the toilet (a useful thing to note in House Rules, maybe even signage).

There used to be a show called “Dragnet” where Sergeant Friday would always say, “Just the facts, Ma’am.” Good advice.

I also wonder whether you should be seeking reimbursement for the repair expenses first from the guest. Is it too late for that? I think you should explore that so that next time you are in a position to get reimbursement from the guest, and if the guest does not reimburse, from Airbnb.

I think (someone correct me here please) that you need to make the claim on the earlier of 14 days or when the next guest checks in. So that’s the timing issue. I don’t know whether you also need a House rule saying not to dispose in the toilet of anything other than toilet tissue. Maybe others here more knowledgeable will comment.

You do you boo. Let others do themselves.

Sample sign. Etsy is a great resource, and you can change the wording. Please Do Not Flush Tissue Paper in the Toilet Toilet Decal | Etsy

I buy sanitary napkins for my guests to use if they run out as there are no chemists open after hours nearby. And I never knew this. Maybe I should point out they can be used as a mask in an emergency.


I had someone stuff a doona/duvet/quilt cover inside another doona cover which I only found out about weeks later. Possibly the guests who had asked to stay longer and I could hear the washing machine on. I would have preferred they left a note saying “We loved your comfortable doona cover so much we have taken it and here is $100 to buy a new one”. After that I started supplying napkins and tampons.

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Huh? I’m not telling anyone what to do. And you asked why mentioning sanitary pads would not be okay, so I was just explaining that some women might find it embarrassing.

My point was that a host should refrain from wording in a review that could cause it to be removed, that’s all.