Altering reservation to circumvent strict cancellation

For those hosts with strict policy, would you accept an alteration from X amount to the lesser X amount. To me it’s the same as a cancellation ?

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No alterations. Once altered- and its is usually to a date where they can outright cancel- they do in fact cancel.


I wouldn’t be afraid of cancellations. Guests can come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful reasons and some of the most eloquent are lying through their teeth. But it’s better to have a cancellation than having guests who don’t want to be with you and are only there because otherwise they’d lose money.

I’ve even had guests cancel and change the dates to the next year - and they’ve been great guests.

If you get a cancellation, just use the day/s for needed maintenance or fill the dates with another guest.

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It depends. @Flyboy

Its not clear from your post are you saying they want to amend the bookingfor fewer days?

Would them amending the booking change the amount they would owe if you accept it?

Yes one day less. Lower payout. I’m not accepting it just wondering if anybody does with a strict cancellation policy.

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They are most welcome to cancel I just won’t be accepting their alteration request as its the same as cancelling on a strict policy.

I have accepted alteration requests all the time and have a strict cancellation policy. If you are saying you have a 3 night minimum and they want to cxl the last night then I would not accept but if they booked 14 days and want to shorten to 13 days I would do it. But that is my policy you should do what you want with your business just hopefully it isn’t reflected in your review.


How far in advance? I always offer to refund if the days get booked after cancel.

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I can see not wanting to allow the alteration if it re-opens the 48-hour cancellation window that allows the guest to cancel altogether without penalty. However, if you know that is the case, can you tell them you’ll accept the alteration closer to or even after check-in (where the cancellation penalty is still enforced)?

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If they’re pleasant, and it’s far enough in advance, I do the same as @Brandt

You lot are too soft :joy:

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