You might be right, that remains to be seen. But it seems to me that Superhost is mostly about the host and Plus is mostly about the property. Someone can superhost a modest listing that would never make the Plus cut for decor, design, landscaping, etc.
The plus label and speculation about it was posted here in Oct 2016. So just because you (or I, not throwing stones here) didn’t know about it doesn’t mean it was “sprung on us.”
Time will tell if the word Plus is unfortunate. Big companies spend a lot of time doing research before they spend money re-branding. Sometimes it’s a big failure but it doesn’t mean they didn’t put effort into choosing the word.
Consensus on this forum is that Airbnb is the best and doesn’t really have much competition depending on what kind of listing you have. I offer an ensuite room attached to my house. No kitchen, laundry, sitting room. It’s like a mid-tier hotel room with better parking, cleanliness and quieter. I don’t think Plus will hurt me at all and the new criteria for the For Work category might help. So I’m optimistic. But foretelling the future is way out of my pay grade.
Yes, but will it diminish Airbnb’s revenue? They think it will enchance their revenue, they don’t care about you.
Just a reminder, even if you did offer them here they still wouldn’t know. This site is not owned or operated by Airbnb. Thanks for chiming in and moving your post over here.