Airbnb open 2016

Oh, yeah - I visited our local one recently called Community Forklift. I couldn’t believe the prices for junk - they got a good thing going for sure if people are paying those prices!

any of those colors would look perfect in your place. To bad they don’t sell mixed sets!

The price is the same on his website. Interesting - I wonder if, in the booking process, he ever tries to guide the guests back to his website?

Wow - well, that host took the whole ‘under promise’ theory to heart.

What the what? Is this a joke?

I have to say - I’m speechless -

wait, is that irony, or an oxymoron?

And they can’t even spell ‘restraunts’ :slight_smile:

It’s funny that you mention the prices at thrift stores. Over the years I’ve noticed prices have crept up. The Goodwill stores are an example. Prices seem high and the stores try to look more like regular retail stores. You can still find out of the way little junk stores, though.

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Let me just say the experience I did here in LA was totally worth the full price (thought I got it at massive discount because they were running beta). I got to meet a food stylist in LA with 10k instagram followers, talk about food, my business ideas and learn some tips on how to take photos of food. It was simply one of the best things I have done. The chance to speak with an expert? Yeah invaluable.

These are photos I took on the day and I’m just off to complete part two!

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Last night I had a dream that my guests were making up their own Experiences in order to break the house rules! Bahahah.

Zandra, I’m glad you enjoyed yours though. That looks cool.

Were you at the Santa Monica Farmers’ Market??? It is the BEST one around.


I sure was !! Simply the best food market I have ever seen !

Wow I love it. I live fairly close but I keep forgetting to go. You sound like a foodie like me. I’m the best cook in the whole world. Well, in Long Beach anywayz :)) The Santa Monica market draws a lot of the food “stars” like Evan Kleiman (Good Food program on KCRW) and many of the local restaurants get their supplies there.

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Serrano peppers - 50-cents each…Cayenne - 75-cents each?! Ouch! A bit of a rip compared to the 6 to 8-cents per in the market.

Some of us don’t mind paying extra for high quality food. Also, it’s nice to support farmers instead of buying produce that’s from Big Ag companies who pay farm workers virtually nothing.

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Ex-squeeze me?! “Some of us don’t mind…” Well, who’s to say I mind paying extra for high quality food and support farmers?

Some sure seem to relish jumping on others on a pretty consistent basis.

And here’s what I did today :slight_smile:

And after editing ;

All styled by me so I’m very happy with How this went

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It’s the same pic just rearranged…no??

The lighting is better and the angle and rotation for sure. Good job.

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Those are priced pretty high, but I’m sure they are organic/heirloom. There is a huge variety of food at those markets and with a wide variety of prices. Also, you do get what you pay for :slight_smile:

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It’s the same picture EDITED. Lighting isn’t better it’s digitally enhanced